A Cloak

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Boarding the train, Harry thought of all the fun he'd had at Draco's. After the blond showed him around the greenhouse, they spent the rest of the afternoon down by the river, ultimately skipping lunch.

The manor's greenhouse was a miniature version of the school's greenhouse. Harry figured that's why Draco was so good at potions already, he'd been practicing from an early age. He also met Narcissa's personal house elf, Benedict. The older elf took a lot of pride in his work in the greenhouse.

Reaching the river, they sat under a tree and talked more about Dumbledore being in the study. Harry knew it had to do with him, he could feel it. They brainstormed until they felt they had it figured out.

They laid there watching the sun through the leaves while they talked aimlessly. Eventually their conversation steered toward school and the rumors Pansy was spreading.

Draco had talked to his mum when he'd returned home and she confessed that she made a vague comment about Pansy being considered as Draco's bride. In return, the Parkinson's agreed to sell Benedict to Narcissa.

Harry made a face and Draco busted out laughing. Neither boy could imagine having Pansy as their bride. She wasn't ugly, on the outside, but she was completely hideous on the inside.

They headed back to the manor when their stomachs started growling. Not realizing they'd been outside for so long, the two boys were quickly ushered into the dining room for dinner.

They returned to Draco's room after dinner, stuffed. Harry finally got to meet Dobby. The small elf made shadow puppets until the two boys were tired. Harry was going to make a little bed on the floor, but Draco didn't want him to sleep on the floor. He made Harry take the other side of his large bed.

Going down the corridor on the train, they searched for Hermione. The two boys were going to fill her in on what they saw and what they thought of it.

Almost to the front of the train, they found her in the exact compartment they had met her in. She had her nose buried in a book. She didn't even hear the door open. Hermione didn't look up until she heard the click of Harry locking the door.

The trio talked the whole way back to school. Hermione was shocked to hear about Lucius and Dumbledore's meeting. The boys told her their theory that it was about Quirrell. She agreed since Draco had sent that letter to his father.

The conversation drifted to their holidays. Harry showed Hermione his snow globe from Dudley and told her all about his stay at Malfoy Manor. She found the hidden passages exceptionally fascinating.

With the train pulling into Hogsmeade, the trio tried to push through the corridor and the rest of the students. Usually they would wait for the rush to pass, but today they were ready to get back to their rooms before the welcome back feast.

Draco made it to the platform first. Hermione grabbed the back of his shirt and Harry grabbed the back of hers, making an unbreakable chain. Weaving through the crowd of students, they finally made it to the carriages just as Weasley and his twin brothers were climbing into one.

"Oh no," Ron said, raising his voice while he put his arm up, trying to create a barrier. There were three seats still open. "There's no more room. Wait for the next one."

"Come on Ronny-kins," Fred said, mocking his youngest brother.

"There's plenty of room," George said, giving Ron a wink, wrapping his arm around his neck.

"Hop on, you lot," the twins said in unison. Draco turned to look at his friends and they both gave him a shrug. They only wanted to get back to the school quickly and either they suffered for five minutes or they waited even longer for another carriage.

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