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Christmas was fun. Dudley had made Harry a snow globe for Christmas. Inside the globe was the Slytherin House crest, completely made of glass and, instead of the usual fake snow, it had silver glitter in it.

Vernon has been paying for art classes for Dudley at the local community center for the last year. They had been working with glass for the past couple months and Dudley went wild with it. He made everyone's presents out of glass. Dudley even made something for Draco, but wouldn't tell Harry what it was.

Apart from Harry's snow globe, Dudley made Vernon a large grizzly bear paper weight for his office at work. He made Petunia a purple petunia pendant necklace with matching dangle earrings.

He used pearls from his mother's broken jewelry, placing the larger one in the middle of the pendant. For the earrings, he made four tiny petunia flowers and placed a pearl between two flowers for each earring.

Dudley was shocked with Harry's gift for him. Harry had asked Petunia if they could go to Diagon Alley and he bought Dudley a case of magical paint, no spells required, that changed colors based on the painter's mood. He got his aunt and uncle some cakes and candies.

It was now the Friday before students had to return to Hogwarts and Harry was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It had been nice being home, but he missed his friends, especially a certain blond. It was almost lunch time when the door bell rang.

He could hear talking downstairs, but didn't care enough to see who it was. Obviously, whoever it was, Petunia knew them. Harry heard footsteps on the stairs and braced himself for Dudley's teasing.

Dudley came in and sat down in Harry's chair. They sat there for a couple seconds in silence, before Dudley cleared his throat, but Harry kept staring at the ceiling.

"So this is your room," a voice spoke from the doorway. Harry shot straight up, not believing he'd heard who he thought he'd heard. Sure enough, Draco Malfoy himself, stood in Harry's doorway. "No wonder you were so amazed by our dorm room. This place is tiny!"

Draco was standing in his doorway, but he looked totally different. He was wearing muggle clothes. Draco was wearing faded dark blue jeans with a black t-shirt and a dark gray zipper hoodie. Dudley got up quickly and excused himself, going to his room.

Harry just stared. He couldn't believe that Draco was there and he definitely couldn't believe Draco was wearing muggle clothes. Draco's chuckling snapped him out of it.

"Surprise," Draco said, throwing his hands in the air. Pushing himself of the door frame, he began walking around Harry's little room. It didn't consist of much. A wardrobe, dresser, chair, his bed and bedside table, a lamp, and his Christmas presents.

His snow globe from Dudley was on his dresser. Harry had received a beautifully carved bird perch for Hedwig from his aunt and uncle. He had placed the perch in the corner of his window sill, so she could look out the window.

"Yes," Harry said, nodding his head, watching the blond look at all his things. "I can honestly say I'm surprised. What the hell are you doing here?"

"You're coming to the manor tonight. We're going to have a sleepover and then go to the train together after breakfast," Draco said, stopping in front of Harry.

"Really," Harry asked, shocked. "I've never been to a sleepover before, nor have I ever had one."

"Yeah because your aunt and uncle were afraid you'd slip with your accidental magic. By the time you had it under control, you had already distanced yourself from the other children," Draco said, sitting down on Harry's bed, next to the other boy. "At my house, though, you'd be surrounded by magic."

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