Take Action

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Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were spending their Saturday morning out in the garden. They had a little table and two chairs sitting not far from the greenhouse. Benedict brought them their morning mail, along with their afternoon tea.

"Thank you, Benedict," Lucius said. The older elf bowed before retiring to the greenhouse. Lucius received a few letters from his business partners and investors. Narcissa had a few from other pure-blood matriarchs, the latest gossip.

They had just finished reading all their letters when Harry's snowy white owl, Hedwig, came swooping down from the sky and landed on Narcissa's knee. She fed the owl a piece of biscuit while Lucius leaned forward to retrieve their letter, only there were two today, one addressed to each of them.

They exchanged a curious glance before Lucius retied the Dursley's letter to Hedwig before she took flight once again. Draco usually only ever wrote one letter.

The Malfoy's simply shrugged and opened their letters at the same time. Lucius noticed Narcissa perk up instantly, but continued to focus on his letter. It would seem Quirrell has been talking to himself about the third floor and calling himself Master. This gave Lucius an uneasy feeling.

"What is it, darling," Lucius asked after looking up to see his wife staring at him with wide eyes and the beginnings of a large grin.

"Remember how you said Harry Potter was going to be in our lives for a long time? Well, dear, you called it. It would appear that our boy has developed his first crush," Narcissa cooed, looking back to her letter affectionately. "He's never shown any interest in anyone before. For him to write to me about his butterflies, melts my heart."

"I've seen the way Harry looks at Draco. He is extremely fond of him. However, they are still very young. Tell him not to rush anything in case it is in fact only an infatuation. I would hate to see a friendship ruined," Lucius said, turning his attention back to the piece of parchment in his hand.

"What did Draco say to you, love," Narcissa asked.

"Remember the thing Dumbledore has hidden in the school," he questioned, waiting for his wife to nod before continuing. "Well I believe Professor Quirrell has figured out where it is, but he has yet been able to obtain it."

"Dumbledore would know, right? If Quirrell were to find it and have it in his possession, surely Albus would know," she whispered, fear evident in her voice. Before Lucius could respond, Narcissa stood suddenly.

"Where are you going," Lucius called after her when she started walking back to the manor. Stopping on the spot and turning to face her husband, Narcissa placed her hands on her hips.

"We have things to do, dear. You need to get to the school to talk with Albus before that lunatic finds the stone and I need to write back to Draco before you leave. I want you to deliver it to him while you're there. He needs to know that he can be just as open with you as he is with me, that you support him and his feelings," she stated matter-of-factly.

Lucius knew she was right, she always was. He wanted Draco to know he supported him one hundred percent. Narcissa remained where she was till her husband caught up to her and they continued the walk back to the manor hand in hand.


Albus Dumbledore was sitting at his desk going through old school records when his fireplace came to life with green flames. He looked over his half moon glasses as Lucius Malfoy stepped out.

"Lucius. Did we have a meeting scheduled for today," Albus questioned as the tall blond took a seat across from him.

"No, old man, don't worry. We didn't have a meeting scheduled. I was actually enjoying a nice morning out in my garden with my beautiful wife, when I received this," Lucius said, handing Draco's letter to Dumbledore.

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