Diagon Alley

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*Disclaimer!* I do not own these Harry Potter or the characters. This is just a fun little spin that I've thought about for years. Please enjoy!*

"Chin up, darling. You were meant for this world and you will be the best they've ever seen," Petunia reassured Harry, seeing the worry in his eyes. They were following Hagrid and making their way through the Leaky Cauldron. It was early morning and some patrons were slumped over tables from their overnight indulgences. The tavern smelled sour of body odor and Irish beer.

Harry grew up with muggles, but he knew he was different at an early age. Once he voiced his concerns his aunt made sure he knew what he was and what he could do. Harry was still nervous though because he's never met anyone like himself before. Now he's on his way to a secret entrance that'll take him into a whole other world. It was nerve wrecking, but he'd hold his composure like he'd been taught.

Hagrid led them to the very back and opened a door. Closing the door behind Petunia, Hagrid walked up to a brick wall.

"A'righty then. Here we are," Hagrid stated looking at them proudly. Harry looked around and all he saw was four brick walls, two trash cans, and the door they came through.

"This is it? Here? It's just a brick wall, Hagrid." Harry was confused to say the least when Hagrid chuckled and lifted his umbrella. He watched as Hagrid started tapping bricks and his eyes widened in shock. The bricks started to vanish, revealing a very lively and colorful street.

Harry heard a gasp and turned to look at his Aunt Tuni. He could tell, just like him, she had never seen anything of the sort. It certainly was a whole other world. People, witches and wizards, everywhere wearing cloaks of all colors. Harry grabbed her hand and smiled up at her. He knew how much she longed for this day when she was younger.

Petunia was excited to start shopping, to mingle. Petunia knew muggles came through here because her parents had to bring her sister. She didn't get to come, but now that she's older, she tries not to harbor hard feelings. Still holding Harry's hand, she gave it a squeeze.

"I'm so glad I get to be here with you, dear," she said smiling down at Harry. "How long do you think it'll take in the bank, Hagrid," she asked clearing her throat of lingering emotions.

"Shouldn't take too long, ma'am. I have something I need to pick up for Dumbledore, but I'll make sure you two will be set and on your way first. I have Harry's key here," he said handing it to her. "I brought a 'lil chart, too, to help determine how much money you want to take out. See, it shows you how much each coin is worth. I thought it would be helpful," Hagrid finished looking down shyly.

"That is very thoughtful of you, Hagrid! Thank you," Petunia beamed at Hagrid and Harry thought if he looked hard enough he could see rosy cheeks.

Spotting boys that looked about his age, Harry released Petunia's hand and clasped both of his behind his back. Harry didn't want to start a new life with his new peers thinking he was a "momma's boy." Petunia's feelings weren't hurt though. She raised Harry with love, but she also taught him how to conduct himself around others, especially in public.

They were in and out of the bank just like Hagrid said, meeting back up with him at the door. Harry thought it was like a roller coasters and wouldn't mind doing it again. From there they headed to the book store and then off to get stationeries, quills and parchment. Making their way down the list, the trio stopped outside the wand shop.

"You go on in, Harry, I'll be right in. I just want to talk to Hagrid about something real quick, okay," Petunia asked handing him some coins. Harry nodded and turned the knob, heading inside.

"Harry's birthday was a couple days ago and I'm a bit lost at what to get a young boy about to head of to a magical school. He's left handed. I saw I quill that will write for you, that will help with the smudging, with them working with ink and all," she said indicating to the side of her left hand. "Do they have different colored inks? Also, maybe a pouch for his left over money? I might've over estimated how much he would need, not knowing exactly how much anything costs. Do any of these shops take muggle money," Petunia asked with pleading eyes hoping Hagrid would be able to help.

Hagrid began to speak when crashing noises came from inside the shop. He and Petunia shared a sideways glance before looking back to the shop at the sound of shattering glass. They waited a little bit longer to see if anything was truly wrong before Hagrid finally spoke up.

"O'course! They all do for the muggleborn's parents. I can go get all those things for you if you'd like. I was thinking of getting Harry something as well. I can get them all and meet you guys at the next shop if that's alright," he asked. Petunia nodded and started digging in her purse for her pocketbook. Finding it, she handed Hagrid some cash.

"If that's not enough, if you'd be kind enough to cover the difference, I'll pay you back when we meet back up. I believe we're heading to the robes shop next," she smiled at Hagrid as he nodded and started to head off. "Thank you, Hagrid," she called after him. He turned back long enough to wave and then he was off again.

Petunia was startled by the door opening and Harry making a quick exit. She hadn't realized she'd talked with Hagrid that long.

"Aw, darling, I missed it," Petunia said with a pout.

"That's okay. The old man spoke of the man who did this," he said pointing to his forehead. "I don't think you would've wanted to be there for that."

"What?" To say that Petunia was mad would be an understatement. She took a step toward the door with every intent to confront this old man when Harry took her hand again.

"It's fine, Aunt Tuni. I handled it fine. There'll be more of that once I start school. Look at this as a training session," he said with a smile hoping to defuse the situation.

With a sigh Petunia gave a small smile and squeezed his hand, releasing it. Of course, Harry was right, he's always right. He's very intuitive.

"Okay, my sweet. Looks like we have one last stop and then we can head home. If the other two haven't ate all the biscuits yet, we can relax in the garden. I sure am going to miss you," she smiled down at him before nudging him with her shoulder causing a grin to spread across his face.

Harry and Petunia took their time making their way to the robes shop. Passing a shop with brooms in the window, Petunia cringed at the thought of Harry flying in the air. They didn't have to look hard for the robes shop once they spotted Hagrid. He stood outside the store patiently with what looked like a gift bag and a snowy white owl in a cage.

"Miss Petunia, your requested items and your change," he said passing everything over. "And young Harry this pretty 'lil girl is for you. I know your birthday was recently. I hope you like her."

"Wow, Hagrid, thank you! She's beautiful," Harry grinned up at the tall man before looking over at Petunia.

"That was very kind of you, Hagrid," she said with a smile as they headed into the robes store. Hagrid opted to stay outside as he did with every shop. His size wouldn't allow him through the door.

As they walked in they saw a mother and son already being seen too. Petunia nodded to the mother and began to look around while they waited, but Harry was watching the boy. The boy looked up not long after they entered and locked eyes with Harry. He had striking features with his white hair and silver eyes. Harry gave him a shy nod as another attendant came to assist Harry.

"Please step up there and we'll get started," said an older lady Harry could only assume was a witch. As she stepped up, she dropped something that whizzed right back up and unraveled. It was a measuring tape. The tape was taking his measurements as a quill and parchment wrote them at the desk.

The blond boy next to him cleared his throat. Harry looked over to see his hand extended out to Harry.

"Hello. I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy."

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