Rotten Heart

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The school was still in a frenzy a week after the troll attack. The teachers had found it on the second floor, making its way to the third. They had no clue how the troll had made it that far, having come from the dungeon.

As the year was winding down to December, students were getting antsy, especially the first years. Everyone was talking about going home for Christmas, including Harry and Draco.

The two Slytherin boys were out in the courtyard, making snowballs, waiting for Hermione. The first snow of the season came in the middle of the night and it was thick. Students were outside making snowmen and snow angels.

"You should see the manor when its decorated for Christmas. There's always a giant wreath on the door and one above every fireplace. Our tree reaches all the way to the ceiling. The elves like to levitate me to the top so I can place the star," Draco smiled as they made ball after ball. "Mum and I always make the wreaths together, though, and I'm here, so maybe she got one of the elves to help. I should've asked Dobby when he was here."

"Wait. Dobby was here again and I still haven't met him," Harry asked, shaking his head. "Hang on. Why was Dobby here again?"

Draco looked away, not wanting to give away the surprise. Harry was going to spend the weekend before they returned to Hogwarts at the manor. Draco's mother had wrote to him for Harry's address and Dobby had come to tell Draco the news. Hermione showed up finally, saving Draco.

"Can it be time to go home already? I know this is going to sound strange, coming from me, but if I read one more book," she put her hands on her head, then threw them in the air, acting like her head was exploding. Laughing she said, "Who am I kidding? I'm going to read more books. I just miss my parents. What do you guys have going on here?"

The two boys exchanged wicked grins before looking back at Hermione. Her eyes grew wide and she ran for it, taking cover behind a gargoyle, barely making it before four snowballs wizzed past her head.

Quickly packing her own snowballs, Hermione charmed them to fly around the courtyard until they found an opening to hit the boys. Peeking out, she was hit square in the face with a snowball, Harry and Draco's laughter echoing through the courtyard.

The longer and more intense the snowball fight became, the more students came to join in. Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, and Dean Thomas were on their way to the Quidittich pitch, but decided to join in on the fun. Hermione joined her friends in the fight when the Gryffindors teamed up on the two Slytherin boys.

A few Ravencalw students could be found across the courtyard behind the giant fort they built, arguing about who would make the better ally. Some Hufflepuffs was attacking anyone they saw, they didn't have a preference.

The trio built their own little snow fort in the far left corner of the courtyard. They were fighting their peers from every angle, the Ravenclaws deciding to team up with the Gryffindors. Weasley was leading the Gryffindors, though, and he was packing his snowballs with rocks.

"Ow," Draco murmured as a snowball hit him in the back. Turning around he saw Weasley cock his arm back and launch another snowball. Draco dodged it and it landed on the wall behind him. He heard the rock inside make contact with the wall and his eyes grew wide.

"Harry! Weasley's putting rocks in his snowballs," Draco warned. Harry turned around to find the ginger packing another ball.

He watched as the other boy cocked his arm back again, aiming for Draco. The red head missed, but the snowball kept going and nailed Hermione in the face. She screamed and held her face, blood gushing from under her eye and down her cheek, dripping off her chin.

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