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"Good morning, class!Congratulations for being promoted to the 11th grade!A new year,so a new start.So i expect everyone to work harder!",Mr.Kim chirped loudly which brought loud cheers from the students.

"So we have a new student this year. He should be here by-oh!he's here!",he said as he saw a raven haired boy stand at the entrance of the class.

"Come in,kid.Introduce yourself to your classmates",he called the boy who came in with a smile.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Jeon jungkook. You can call me with any nicknames you want but try to use parliamentary words.I have a cute little heart,you know.And what more?Ah,yes!I'm 17 years old.Please take care of me~",he said and bowed slightly while everyone laughed at him,liking the new boy's character already.

"So jungkook,right?You've a peculiar character, jungkook. I'm looking forward to spend this year with you!Btw,I'm Kim seokjin,your homeroom teacher. You can call me as Mr.Kim.And now go take your seat beside Kim taehyung. Taehyung!Please raise your hand!",he said as he looked at the taehyung boy who raised his hand with no expression on his face.

"Thank you ,Mr.Kim",jungkook said as he bowed at him slightly and made his way to taehyung who didn't pay any attention to the new boy as he was busy staring outside the window.

"Hello.I'm jungkook. Its nice meeting you,taehyung",he said as he sat beside taehyung who just looked at him for a second and turned away,making him puzzled."Did i say something wrong?",he thought but was interrupted by someone from back.

"Hi,jungkook. I'm jimin and its nice meeting you too,my friend.",jimin said as he smiled widely which instantly made jungkook to smile just as widely as him.

"Hi,Minie",jungkook smiled, surprising jimin with a cute nickname.

"Then i'm gonna call you as kookie!",he chirped bringing a bright smile in return.

"If you want you can switch seats with yoongi here ,kookie. Both taehyung and yoongi don't talk much so you can sit with me if you want",jimin said as he looked at yoongi,signaling something who nodded his head understandingly.

"Yes,jungkook. You can switch seats with me if you want",yoongi said.

As he heard yoongi talk,he turned towards taehyung who was already looking at him with an unreadable expression but turned away yet again when jungkook caught him staring.Though he didn't say anything, jungkook felt the other ask him not to go away from him.The look he gave him itself seemed like he was pleading him wordlessly to stay with him and that is what jungkook exactly did.

"Its ok,minie.I have no problem sitting here.Don't worry.And thanks for the offer,yoongi",he said as he smiled at them who smiled back nonetheless.

"If you change your mind,the offer is always open,kookie. Don't hesitate to ask us",jimin whispered to him who nodded subtlly and turned around as the class was about to start.

As Mr.Kim started the class,jungkook was busily rummaging his bag for his damn pen which he bought only that morning.

"Here",he heard taehyung talk beside him which brought his attention back to his surroundings and to his surprise, taehyung who didn't speak a word to him for about 15 minutes from the time he has arrived,was offering him a pen even when he didn't ask him one.

"Thanks,taehyung",he said as he smiled at the boy who just nodded his head and turned towards his book without another word.

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