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The next morning-

"I'll go back to my room now,tae.But promise me that you'll talk to your parents.Since its a holiday today,you have a plenty of time to talk with them,tae.Ask every question you have in your mind and try to solve the problem,alright?",jungkook said as he stretched his body.

"I will,koo.Only for you",taehyung said which brought a big smile on jungkook's face.He immediately kissed the other's cheeks and gave the biggest bunny smile he could muster.

"Everything will be fine after this,tae.You'll become really happy once you talked with your parents.I can clearly see that coming",he said and smiled when taehyung kissed his forehead.

"I'm already euphoric with you being around me,koo",he said to which jungkook playfully rolled his eyes at him.

"Ohoo~Don't even think about escaping,tae.A promise is a promise.You have to talk with your parents.Now I'll go back before you try to change my mind which is by the way is really tedious",he said and dashed outside with a reddish face,making taehyung to laugh at him.

"My cutie~",he said and walked towards his bathroom to freshen up before he could go down.

"Oh,tae!You're up already? I've prepared your favourite breakfast, tae.Come sit with us",his mom said as soon as he came down,her eyes glimmered with a slight pinch of hope which widened when she saw him sit on his chair without a word.

Tears started forming in her eyes because it was the first time in these seven years for him to sit with them.She immediately turned towards her husband only to see him trying his best to hold his own tears.They smiled at eachother with glossy eyes while hyuna happily started serving her son with his favourite breakfast.

You see the thing is,for the past seven years,taehyung has never sat with them even for eating. He would always be isolating himself away from his parents for these past years.He treated them as if they were invisible,killing them internally. He even ate his food in his room and when they saw their son sitting with them, it was a total shock for them. Their years of prayers were finally being answered and what more do they want at this moment?

"Your mom has prepared your favourite strawberry milkshake, tae. Let me bring it for you",his dad rushed off to the kitchen while his mom continued to serve as tears flowed from her eyes.And taehyung who was watching everything didn't know what to do. He felt really sad to see them like this and the fact that he was the sole reason for them to be like this made him feel the worst.

As he started eating, they kept looking at him lovingly ,not bothering to eat their food.

"Aren't you gonna eat?",he asked as he looked at them who smiled at him softly.

"It was only our dream until now to see you enjoy your favourite food that I prepare for you,tae.Seeing you eat is itself enough for us.Eat ,my child",his mom said as she smiled at him with eyes full of tears which made him to tear up a little.

Ten minutes passed by with taehyung who kept on eating with his parents refilling his plate by every minute.

"We need to talk",he said as he looked at his parents who smiled at him sadly.

"We will.But finish your breakfast first,tae",his dad said but taehyung was fast enough to say no.He wanted to come out of this situation as soon as possible.

"I'm full.Just….just let us talk",he said as he looked down at his plate but looked up the next second when he heard them apologising to him.

"We're so sorry,tae. We're so sorry for whatever we did.But please,don't be like this.Don't see us as if we're strangers,tae.It hurts ",his mom cried while it was the same with his dad too.

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