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"I wanna cuddle with you"


"The door is open"

"Tae?Are you already asleep?",jungkook asked as he entered the room.

"Not yet,koo.Now come and cuddle with me",taehyung said as he opened his arms widely and jungkook instantly jumped on him,cuddling with him immediately.

There was a comfortable silence between the lovers,as they enjoyed each other's warmth but after a few minutes,taehyung decided to break the silence.

"We were a happy family, koo",he started speaking, earning jungkook's attention immediately.


"Our family, my dad,mom,and myself, we were really a happy family one would always dream for. But that was until i turned 8. ",taehyung sighed and hugged jungkook who kissed his cheek,silently asking him to continue.

"Suddenly my parents left the country to deal with their business for god knows how long ,leaving me with a 'babysitter'.The only thing I knew was,they will be away for a very long time.",he said as he felt himself tearing up yet again.

"That night when they were about to leave me,I cried,I pleaded them to take me with them.I didn't want to stay away from them but they seemed to not even listen to my pleads that day.They just left me in the driveway, crying my eyes out without even turning back."

"Each and every day after that,i would call them so that I could atleast hear them talking. But no!They never picked up my calls. Even if they picked up which was really rare,they would just ask me 'Are you fine,tae?We're sorry, son.We're kinda busy right now.We'll talk to you later' and cut the call.They would not even wait for me to answer them.This went on for a year and that was when i lost my hope.I understood that they loved their business more than their own son. I understood that their first priority is their business and not me.So i stopped contacting them",he said as he sobbed heavily.

"But its not only that,koo. From the day they left me alone,it was not only my heart which got hurt constantly. I was not only mentally disturbed but also physically abused,koo.I was abused by my so called babysitter on and on from day 1",he said.

"WHAT!!?WHAT DID THAT PERSON DO TO YOU,TAE!",jungkook shouted making taehyung to laugh a little.

"Calm down,koo"

"Calm down?How can i calm down when I just heard that some bitch had hurted you!?",he asked as he pouted.

"Alright alright. But don't you want to hear the rest of my story??",he asked and smiled when the little one nodded his head frantically.

"So from day one,she would beat me to pulp.I was her stress buster at that time.If her boyfriend didn't attend her calls,if he didn't reply back to her texts on time,or even if the curry she was making tastes like shit,I will mentally prepare myself for the abuse. I'm not at all exaggerating anything but she almost broke my head once.",he said as he hugged the other tightly who seemed to be shaking violently because of the rage.

"That lady is insane!!She's a psycho to be exact",jungkook snarled.

"She is.I tolerated everything because i thought that one day my parents would attend my call.I thought that if i told my dad about everything the lady had done to me,she would get the biggest punishment in her life because my dad has never failed to make people regret their deeds if they have hurted me in any way.He was a bit overprotective of me,koo.But the thing i didn't know was,my own dad had lost his interest on me long ago or even forgotten my mere existence.",he said as he smiled sadly.


"A year had passed and i couldn't stand anything anymore.So I sneaked to my neighbour's house secretly without that lady's knowledge and pleaded him to take me to daegu where my grandmother lived.Fortunately he had some work there in daegu, so he accepted to help me that day.Finally i went to daegu and lived with my grandmother for the next half year. ",he said with tears.

"Only a half year?",jungkook asked to which taehyung just nodded.

"Yes,koo.Half a year.When i went to my grandma,i didn't know that she was suffering from a lung cancer. She didn't tell anything about that to me and gave me all the love i wanted that time and helped me heeling from the trauma i had because of everything that happened to me. As i gradually became normal,her health worsened and just like that she passed away,leaving me alone yet again",he started sobbing loudly which alarmed jungkook immediately.

"Please, tae.Don't cry. You have me,love.I'll be there for you till the end.You're not alone,tae.You have me,mom,dad,Minie,yoonie,seokie. A lot of people are there for you,tae",he said as he hugged the boy who hugged back tightly,afraid that he'll lose him if he didn't hold him tightly.

"Thank you for being with me,koo.I love you",he softly said and continued.

"The next day,my parents came back but i didn't even turn towards their direction. After the funeral,they came to me and started talking as if nothing had happened which pissed me off to the core. They said that they're gonna be with me from then on and didn't need to go abroad for business anymore. But what's the use in that?I was already broken and felt unloved by that time . They took me back to Seoul after 2 days and brought me to a new house which was more like a mansion ,telling me that it will be our new home. But as soon as I saw it,it irked me.I refused to enter it.I didn't want to live in a mansion which was the sole reason for me to be separated from my parents. They preferred money than their own son! I couldn't help but be angry on them,koo",he said as he tightened his grip on jungkook who felt the pain immediately but controlled himself from hissing out loudly.

"I ran to this house and didn't speak to any of them from then on.As i didn't want to live in that mansion, my parents too stayed here and yeah.It has been almost 7 years from then.",taehyung said as he wiped the tears from jungkook's eyes.

"You were really strong,tae.I'm so proud of you",he said and hugged his boyfriend who hugged him back immediately.

"I love you,tae and i'll always be with you.I swear",jungkook said softly which brought a soft smile on taehyung's face , the euphoric feeling he's experiencing now being all new to him.

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