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"PARK JIMIN!!",jungkook shouted as soon as he saw jimin sitting on his usual seat beside yoongi.

"Hello to you too,kookie",jimin said as he looked at jungkook who was redder than red.

"Are you not feeling well,kookie?You kinda look red",he asked as he stood up to touch his forehead but shouted in pain when the other bit his pinky finger,rather harshly.

"AHHHH!!!KOOKIE!!",he shouted, bringing the whole class' attention to them.

"Cool down,guys.Kookie, come on.Sit down and we can talk about it,alright?I can clearly see that jiminie must have done something absurd to make you this angry",yoongi said as he made jungkook to sit on his seat while he motioned jimin to do the same who compiled while holding his injured finger dearly with eyes full of tears.

"What is your mobile number, Minie?",jungkook asked as he sat down.

"My mobile number?Didn't I give it to you yesterday, kookie?",jimin asked as he wiped his tears away,confusion clearly written on his face.

"Just tell him,jiminie",yoongi said calmly as he can clearly see that the reason behind jungkook's anger was something related to jimin's mobile number.

"Alright. Its 53470 55737",he said and tilted his head slightly when he saw jungkook taking something from his bag.

"Look at these numbers,yoonie.Just read it out loud so that this dumbo could hear",he said as he gave his notebook to yoongi who started reading it out loud.

"834-Didn't your number start with a 5,jiminie?",he asked as he passed the notebook to jimin who furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah and what do you mean 8?It is clearly a 5, you blind dumbo?",he said but got hit on his head immediately by yoongi.

"You can't even imagine what happened to me yesterday and its all because of you,Minie!",jungkook said as tears started to brim in his eyes.

"What happened, kookie?",yoongi asked as he patted the boy's head softly who just sighed in response.

"Just take a look at this",he said and handed over his phone to the other two who literally dived into it immediately.As they kept reading, their eyes became wider and wider with each text and at the end jimin literally shouted,apologising again and again.

"I'm so sorry,kookie. I didn't mean to cause this!I was just in a hurry which made my 5 look like 8.I'm so sorry,my baby kookie",he cried as he hugged the other who cried with him while hugging back.

"Guys,I just saw taehyung through the window!",yoongi whisper shouted which instantly alarmed jungkook.

"Just tell him that i died just a minute ago",he said and immediately fell limp on his desk,not giving a single second for his friends to process the situation they were put into.

"I saw you hugging jimin just seconds ago,jungkook. Get up right now",taehyung said as soon as he reached their seat but jungkook just decided to remain dead.

"I said you to get up,jungkook!",taehyung said,his voice slightly deeper which sent shivers through jungkook's body,making him to stand immediately,his body working on its own.



"A-about y-yesterday-

"Yeah,i'm listening"

"The t-texts-

"Yeah the texts",he kept repeating the poor boy's words again and again,making the nervous mess even more nervous.


"Wait,let me remind your own words for you as you seemed to be forgotten.I'll make it short.So the thing is,you had a crush on me yesterday which started developing into something more than a simple crush.You've started falling in love with me to be exact. You found me more handsome when you saw me smiling with that grandma and wanted to make me smile all the time.Did you really feel like this,jungkook?",he asked which made jungkook to hesitantly nod his head as he blushed furiously.He turned towards his friends for help but huffed when he saw them looking shocked more than himself which urged him to beat the shit out of them for not helping him to come out of the situation.

"Words, jungkook. I need words.Tell me. Is this how you feel about me?",taehyung asked once again,this time more sternly.

"Yes,taehyung",jungkook said as he looked straight at taehyung who was already staring at him.

"Alright. You're my boyfriend from this moment and I'm yours. Remember this till the end,jungkook. You belong only to me",he said and sat on his seat, leaving the most surprised jungkook with his mouth wide open.After a few seconds,he turned towards his friends who had almost the same reaction as him, in fact the whole class had the same reaction and when he turned towards taehyung, he just motioned him to sit beside him as if nothing happened,making him to literally think that everything happened was just a dream .

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