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"I see you sprawled on your bed"


"Let me be,tae"

"I'm really upset right now"


"Because of Mr.Choi?"


"Offcourse its because of him!"

"Can't he be happy that i atleast passed the test?"

"He's really greedy,you know"


"You can hate him how much ever you want"

"But do it afterwards"

"Come to my room now,koo"



"I'm lazy~"


"Just come,koo"

"I wanna take you somewhere special"


"You really know how to make me obey your words,don't you?"


"Come faster"



"It better be an interesting place or else I'm going to pinch him to death",he mumbled as he walked outside to his balcony, only to see his boyfriend already waiting for him.

"Hmm?",he raised an eyebrow at him,questioning him silently as he had never waited for him like this.

"What are you waiting for?Jump faster,koo",taehyung said making jungkook to roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah.Move back a little, tae.What if i jump on you and break your bones?",he said as he climbed on his railings.

"Psh.Just climb over carefully with your Penguin legs,koo.",he said as he moved slightly away from the railings.

"Why are you abnormally impatient right now, you giraffe legged dumbo",jungkook asked as he jumped into taehyung's balcony who immediately held his hand and walked inside.

"I just wanna bring you somewhere",taehyung said and walked outside his room with jungkook. It was his very first time to look at taehyung's home as he was never allowed anywhere outside his room which gave him the urge to scan everywhere carefully.

"Your home is really nice and cozy,tae",he said as he looked around while being dragged by his boyfriend.

"Where are your parents?",he asked as they reached the garden.

"Out.Now come on,koo",taehyung said as he dragged him to the corner of the garden where jungkook immediately found a cute treehouse.

Now come on,koo",taehyung said as he dragged him to the corner of the garden where jungkook immediately found a cute treehouse

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Just ignore that LIVING BIG thing in that picture😊😊TYSM

"WOAH!IS THAT A TREE HOUSE?ITS REALLY CUTE ,TAE!!",jungkook started jumping here and there joyfully, making taehyung to smile at him a little.

"Are you just going to keep jumping or what?Don't wanna get inside it?",taehyung asked as he looked at the jumping boy who immediately jumped on him.

"REALLY?I CAN GET INSIDE IT?",he asked as he held taehyung like a koala who smiled at him in response.

"That's my sole reason to bring you here,koo",he said as he held the boy but got startled when the said boy kissed his cheek and jumped down,running towards the stairs.

"Careful, koo",taehyung laughed as he followed him closely so that he could catch the excited boy if he slips.

"Its really really really REALLY pretty, tae!",he said as he entered the tree house.

The whole house was filled with a lot of lava lamps each in different colors,making it even more beautiful. But one thing caught jungkook's attention. More specifically,a family photo which consists of a young pair with their 5 year old boy smiling widely at the camera.

"Is that you,tae?",he asked as he took the photo frame in his hands.

"Yeah,that's me.",taehyung replied sadly but soon morphed it with a smile.

"You were really cute back then ,tae!!Even now whenever you smile,you'll be the cutest!",jungkook said as he smiled at the boy who smiled back softly at him.

"Come on ,koo.Let's watch your favourite movie .I even prepared popcorn for our movie time",taehyung said as he sat down on the small mattress which was spread on the floor with a laptop and a cup full of popcorn in front of him.

"Come faster,koo",taehyung called as he picked up a blanket and held it around his body as he made space for the other to join with him.

"You really planned it beforehand?You're such a cutie~",he said which made taehyung to groan loudly.

"Can you not?Just come inside, koo",he said as he pulled him down who yelped because of the sudden force.

"Phew!That was so sudden",he said as he snuggled against taehyung who covered them both with the blanket.

"IRON MAN!!",jungkook shouted once he saw that his favourite movie was being played and instantly glued his eyes on the laptop while taehyung kept his eyes glued on jungkook.

He was really cute to look away and that's what he did for the rest of the one and a half hours and only after jungkook started to stretch his body,taehyung came back to reality and realized that the movie was over.

"It was really amazing right,tae? One of my life's goal is to meet up with the Iron Man himself ,you know?",he smiled which made taehyung to laugh slightly.

"Best of luck,koo.May your wish come true sooner",he jokingly said which jungkook took it seriously.

"Thank you so much,tae.You're the best!!",he said as he hugged the said boy who just hugged him back.

"Alright, koo.Up for a convenience store ramyun?",he asked and smiled as he got an immediate reply from the other.

"Yes!!!",jungkook replied and stood up.

"Always excited like a baby.My baby tho",taehyung murmured as he followed the boy who was already climbing down the stairs but found his feet rooted when he spotted his mom near the tree house.

"Oh!It was only you!I heard some noises from here and thought that someone was trespassing",she said and smiled at jungkook who looked at her with wide eyes.

"Aren't you jungkook?Eunha's son?Its nice meeting you,dear",she said and smiled at the boy who bowed slightly.

"Its nice meeting you too,aunty",he said as he remembered that she was the same lady from the photo frame he saw awhile ago which means,she's taehyung's mom!!

"You're our tae's boyfriend, right?",she asked with a tender smile but before he could answer anything, taehyung dragged him away,confusing him in process.

"Why is he dragging me like this?",he thought as he looked back at the woman but immediately felt really bad for her once he saw her crying heavily as she kept her eyes fixed on them longingly.

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