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"Look at Mr.Choi's mouth movements, tae.Isn't it more like a cow munching its tasty hay?",jungkook whispered to taehyung who glared at him.

"Keep quiet and listen to the class,koo",he tried to be calm but jungkook was testing his limits for an hour by now.

"But,tae!His voice does sound as if his mouth is filled with hay.Seriously~",jungkook laughed.

"That's it! You are not allowed to talk for the rest of the school hours.This is my order,koo",he said which brought jimin's attention to them who was listening to their conversation from the beginning.

He quickly wrote something hurriedly on a paper and passed it to jungkook who was pouting while looking at taehyung.

"What is he talking about, kookie?His order?What is it about?",he read silently and turned towards jimin who raised his eyebrows.

"Yesterday i made a stupid deal with him,Minie and because of that,i'm suffering:(",he wrote and passed,confusing even more.

"A deal?",jimin asked,totally having no idea about where this conversation was leading.

"Yes,a deal",he wrote back with no new information, frustrating jimin in process.

"I can understand that you made a deal with him,kookie. Now tell me what the reason behind that damn deal!",he wrote back.

"I just wanted to see his room and he didn't allow me to.So...",he wrote and left a cliffhanger, clearly enjoying the frustrated jimin a little too much.

"You wanted to see his room?All of a sudden?Why did you even want to see his room,kookie?",jimin passed the paper as he controlled himself from breaking jungkook's head.

"That's because he already saw mine,that too without even my permission. And above all, he was watching me for a week!!".

"Jungkook dear,if you still wanted me to talk with you in a civilized manner,TELL ME EVERYTHING CLEARLY!I don't want to read any suspense shits in this paper again!",jimin wrote as he passed the paper, not before pinching jungkook's arm a little too harshly which made him to hiss in pain.

But before jungkook could write back,taehyung took the paper and tore it off,surprising the three friends who were in their mini world.

"When i said that you're not allowed to talk,i meant it and even talking through letters is forbidden,koo.Remember that i'm your master for the day",he said and immediately turned his attention to the teacher,leaving jimin to literally go nuts.

"Please, taehyung. Just one letter. Please allow kookie to write only one letter,my dear ice prince. We were in the middle of talking about something very important and you can't do this to me! I was about to taste the most juiciest tea i had ever tasted for god's sake!",jimin whisper shouted which which made taehyung to roll his eyes at him.

"One last letter",he said and motioned jungkook to write who nodded with a pout,finding it really hard to keep his mouth shut.

"Kookie, write everything clearly. You don't want to lose your bunny teeth,right?",jimin warned before jungkook started writing,earning a scoff from yoongi.

"Are you that thirsty,jiminie?",he asked while jimin just decided to ignore him momentarily.

"The thing is,i moved to Seoul just a week ago,Minie.I guess you knew this information.So the house I moved into, turns out to be the house next to taehyung's.Which means,i'm his neighbour and he knew me for the whole week without my knowledge!

But it is not the thing you must be freaking out,Minie!He can clearly see my whole room through his window which is just adjacent to mine.The window which i considered to be a black door,turned out to be his window which is opaque from outside!

So after i knew this,naturally i wanted to see his room as he already saw mine.But when i asked him to open the window so that i could jump into his room,he refused.Even when i asked him to open his balcony door,he still refused and that's when my mind plotted a plan.We made a deal that if he allowed me into his room,i would be his slave for the whole day.

So the conclusion is,I'm his slave and he's my master for the whole day.",he wrote a whole essay and gave the paper to jimin who started screaming after a minute.

"PARK JIMIN!OUT!",Mr.Choi screamed at the top of his lungs,making the screaming boy to scream even more while yoongi just sighed at his screaming friend.

The day went by just like that and to jungkook's surprise,taehyung didn't order him around as he expected. He just ordered him not to talk for the whole school hour and that's it. Taehyung didn't misuse his authority he had on him in any way which made jungkook to feet really proud of his boyfriend.

"My mouth hurts from not talking for almost the whole day,tae",jungkook whined.

"Stop whining, will you?",taehyung said as he stopped before the bus stop.

"Rude~",jungkook mumbled which didn't go unheard by taehyung.

"Want some ice cream?",he asked which instantly lifted jungkook's mood abruptly.

"Who'll say no to ice creams!?Offcourse i want!",he started jumping here and there which made the passersby to coo at the cute boy.

"Behave,koo",taehyung said and started pulling jungkook towards the bus that just stopped in front of them.

"We have to take this bus.Come on",he said as they made their way inside the bus only to find it a bit crowded which means,they had to stand.

As they both stood in the bus,jungkook felt someone constantly pressing themselves on his ass which really made him uncomfortable. He turned around a bit only to find a middle aged man standing behind him with an ugly smirk on his face,urging jungkook to puke on him.

"Bastard",he mumbled under his breath which caught taehyung's attention who stood just before him.

He,in an instant found the uncomfortable and frustrated expression on jungkook's face and immediately looked at the man who was pressing himself on his boyfriend, making him to see red.He immediately switched his place with jungkook as he death glared at the man who moved away towards the door,intimidated by him.

"If someone behaves like this,just hit his crotch with your knee,koo.Don't hesitate even for a bit.These bastards think only with their dicks so why not destroy them?",he said nonchalantly as he looked outside through the window while jungkook immediately felt millions of butterflies rushing in his stomach.

"Here,strawberry ice cream for you",taehyung said as he ran towards jungkook who was sitting on the swing.

As soon as they reached their stop,taehyung said that he'll buy the ice creams while jungkook would wait for him in the park which was nearby to the ice cream parlor.

"Thanks,tae.What flavor did you buy for yourself?",jungkook asked as he licked his own ice cream while swinging slowly.

"Chocolate.",he said as he sat himself on the other swing.

"I want to taste it",jungkook said as he ran towards taehyung and without waiting for his reply,he licked his ice cream earning a pinch from the other.

"Did i say that you could taste mine?",he asked as he eyed the other who sat on his swing while pouting. The next 5 minutes went by in silence as they were too busy in eating their ice creams and as soon as they finished,taehyung got up and went behind jungkook confusing the pouting boy in process.

"Tae?What are you doing?",he asked but got the answer with taehyung pushing his swing slowly. Soon jungkook started enjoying as the other pushed a bit faster which made him to burst into laughter.

"Faster,tae!",(stop being a pervert,everyone😑)he shouted as he laughed loudly and taehyung mentally noted that he must record the sounds of his laughter and make it as his mobile ringtone.

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