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"So kookie, how was your day?Do you like it here?",hoseok asked as they sat in the cafeteria.Jimin introduced hoseok,their other friend during their lunch break and somehow they managed to click together within a few minutes of talking.

"I really like it here,seokie.This school seems to be interesting",he said as he took a big bite from his spoon.

"Hmm...i hear this more often from the new kids but guess what?Their mindset changes within a week,kookie. Let's see how long you manage to be this cheerful to attend the school",hoseok laughed,making the other three to laugh with him.

"I don't think that his school life here would be as boring as you think,seokie.He's sitting with the ice prince and you know what?It seems like our little kookie has got a crush on him!Kookie couldn't move his eyes away from him even for a second and this happened for half of the day,you know",jimin laughed ,making jungkook to blush furiously.

"I was not looking at him the whole time-

"Kookie sits with the ice prince?!!Whoa!",hoseok literally shouted,earning weird looks from others.

"Sorry~",he sheepishly smiled at them as he looked at his three friends who were bewildered by his sudden outburst.

"I mean,Are you still sitting with him,Kookie?He usually doesn't allow anyone to sit beside him.Even when the teachers ask the new students to sit with him,after one period, he sends them away to find a new seat.",he whisper shouted which couldn't be taken as a whisper at all because taehyung who sat one seat away from them was able to hear him clearly.

"I had the same question running inside my mind,seokie.",jimin said as he looked at yoongi who nodded his head slightly.

"Me too",he said calmly which confused jungkook a lot.

"He doesn't seemed to be like that tho.Offcourse he seemed to look like a ice prince as you guys said but he was ok,i guess.He even lent me his pen",jungkook said ,making his three friends to be surprised by the new information.

"WHAT!!",hoseok screamed loudly but calmed down immediately when he saw a bulky boy signaling that he'll kill him if he makes any sort of noise once again.

"Really, kookie? He gave you his pen by himself?I mean,did he give his pen to you by his own hand?",jimin asked to which jungkook just nodded.

"I didn't even ask him for a pen,but he gave me by himself. He's a good one,Minie.",he said which made everyone to be literally stunned.

"Seems like we'll have another person in  our group only because of kookie being his boyfriend",jimin chirped ,making jungkook to roll his eyes.

"Ohoo!Will you stop with your fantasies, Minie?I just joined the school and here you are ,talking about me getting a boyfriend",he said as he shook his head.

"I mean,it seems like you both have a crush on eachother and you even rejected our offer to switch seats!Love at first sight,huh?",he asked as he wriggled his eyebrows.

"Its really nothing ,minie.I'm not telling that i don't have a crush on him and all-

"So you do have a crush on him!?",hoseok whisper shouted,interrupting jungkook.

"Offcourse i do!Just look at him!He's the most handsome boy i have ever met for god's sake!Everyone would be attracted towards him and it is like an universal truth,you dumbos!",he said ,totally frustrated for being interrupted.

"I didn't expect you to be this open but continue",yoongi said as he sipped his fresh juice.

"So yeah~The thing is, he didn't seem to be the ice prince to me.Not even for a single second he seemed to be rude,guys.I think that he just didn't know how to approach people and start a conversation.You know one thing,when i looked into his eyes,it held so much of sorrows and loneliness in it and strangely i didn't want any of those two emotions to be seen in his eyes ever after.",he said which made the three of them to coo at him.

"You're so cute,kookie. We'll be there with you and how about we befriend taehyung?Maybe if we keep on talking with him,he might open up to us ",jimin said and soon he was engulfed by jungkook.

"Thank you ,Minie!I'm sure that he'll be happy once he becomes our friend!!",jungkook said with the biggest smile while taehyung who was hearing everything felt a small smile creeping on his face.

"He's different",he thought as he ate his sandwich quietly.

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