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"Are you alright, tae?",jungkook asked as he sat down beside him.As soon as they came out of taehyung's house, he immediately dragged jungkook to the park they would usually go.

"Please talk to me something,tae.You being like this is frightening me ",jungkook pleaded as taehyung didn't talk anything for the past 15 minutes with nill expression on his face.

"Can i lay my head on your lap for a few minutes, koo?",he asked as his voice wavered a little.

"Come here,tae.You can lie down how much ever you want",jungkook said as he made taehyung to lay on his lap who immediately buried his face on his stomach while hugging his waist.

He could clearly see that the other's relationship with his parents is not that smooth and couldn't help but feel sorry for him.If anything,he could understand that both the mom and the son were suffering, maybe his dad too which made him to cry silently. He couldn't see the taller male in this state and when he suddenly felt cold through his clothes over his stomach ,he cried even harder.Taehyung is crying. His tae is crying and he couldn't do anything to console him because he didn't really know anything about him!!

"Aren't you pathetic?You don't know anything about your love,Jungkookie!Why are you this useless, you dumbo!",he scolded himself as fat tears flowed from his eyes.

"Don't cry,tae.Please",he pleaded and hugged taehyung who jolted his head towards him instantly.

"Why are you crying, koo?",he asked as he sat up immediately, wiping the tears away from jungkook's face who did the same for him.

"I couldn't see you like this ,tae.Don't cry",he said as he cried once again.

"No no,koo.Look at me.I'm not crying. See,I'm smiling at you.Didn't you say that you liked my smile.Please stop crying for me,koo",he pleaded and hugged jungkook who hugged immediately.


"Everything is fine,koo.Now come on.I'll buy you your favourite ice cream",he said as he scooped the smaller in his arms who snuggled closer.

"Jungkookie?Are you alright?Did you cry,dear?",as soon as he entered his home,his mom bombarded him with questions. Offcourse she would ask because Jungkook's eyes were swollen and red while his face was completely sullen due to his intense crying which means anyone with eyes would ask him what's wrong without any hesitation.

"M-mom",he started crying once again and his mom was fast enough to embrace him.

"What's wrong,Jungkookie?Talk to mom,dear.I'll try to make your pain go away,alright??",she said as she rocked him slightly.


"Was he mean to you?",she asked as she wiped her son's tears which kept on flowing.

"N-no.Its tae who's suffering. But i don't know anything about it",he cried.

"Tell me more clearly, Jungkookie. Is he alright?",she asked as she sat on the couch,leading jungkook to sit on her lap as she hugged him protectively.

"I don't know, mom.The only thing i know is,his relationship with his parents is not good and both him and aunty are suffering because of it.Today ,i met his mom.But,before even i could speak to her,he pulled me outside,leaving her to cry alone while he himself cried in the park,mom.I didn't know what to do in that situation.I didn't know how to console taehyung when he cried while hugging me.I didn't do anything to make him to stop crying, mom.I was useless",he cried loudly.

"Jungkookie, don't cry.Listen to mom,alright?",she said as she caressed his face who nodded silently.

"First of all,you were there for him when he needed you,dear.You comforted him with your hug when he felt low.So don't ever feel like you were useless. Just understand this,Jungkookie. Sometimes actions speak more than words.

Do you remember what you said days ago?You said that 'Mom,have you seen taehyung's eyes when he looks at me?His eyes speaks a lot,you know.I would never doubt his love towards me because each and every minute,he tells that he loves me dearly through his eyes,mom.'

Remember this,Jungkookie?",she asked and jungkook nodded his head yet again.

"The same thing goes for you too,my son. Just your mere presence would have done magics to him,dear. A warm embrace from your loved ones when you're feeling down is more than enough to uplift your mood,to come out of the sorrow,Jungkookie.But let me tell you something",she said as she looked at her son closely.

"What is it ,mom?",he asked as he looked back eagerly at his mom who smiled at him softly.

"Just be with him and give your support till the end.Don't pester him about the reason behind his problem, Jungkookie. When he's ready,he will for sure tell you by himself.Untill then,wait for him. And when you come to know about everything, if you can,try to make it right.Try to help him come out of his sorrows. But keep this mind, don't overdo it.",she said.

"Alright, mom",jungkook said as he hugged her tightly.

"CAn I go to my room,mom?",he asked as he stood up after a few minutes of charging his heart and mind.

"More like tae's room?",she laughed,making jungkook to blush immediately.

"MOM!!",he shouted and ran towards his room,leaving his mom alone on the couch who was laughing at his cuteness.

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