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"Oh!Are you the tae whom our jungkookie couldn't stop talking about?",jungkook's mom asked as she saw the two males outside her home.

"Mom!!",jungkook shouted but was ignored by both his mom and his boyfriend which made him to pout immediately.

"Hello,aunty.I'm Kim taehyung, Jungkook's boyfriend. Sorry that i didn't meet you properly before this",taehyung bowed but was surprised when he was hugged by her.

"No need to be formal,dear.You're Jungkookie's boyfriend which means you automatically became my son. And also jungkookie said that you became his boyfriend only yesterday. So i clearly understand your situation,sweetheart",she said as she patted his head softly which brought a genuine smile on taehyung's face.

"Thank you ,aunty",he bowed once again and smiled slightly when he heard the woman laugh.

"Can't help it,i see?Mmm...How about you have your dinner with us?Mrs.Kim won't mind,right?",she asked with a sweet smile.

"You knew that they are our neighbour?Why didn't you tell me,mom?",jungkook interrupted.

"I met his parents the day we moved in here,Jungkookie. And for your information, you were inside your room for the whole week doing god knows what and how do you expect me to talk about our neighbours?And the fun fact is,I didn't know that the taehyung you were talking about on your first day was the only son of the Kims",she laughed at the now blushing jungkook.

"You were talking about me even before we became boyfriends?",taehyung asked,making jungkook to blush evenmore.

"Mm...You didn't reply to my mom yet,tae. Will you have dinner with us?",he tried changing the subject which instantly worked.

"Ah~yes,sweetheart. Have dinner with us.",she asked once again and taehyung couldn't reject the offer of the sweet lady and entered the Jeon's resident hesitantly.

"Honey!Taehyung is here for dinner!",she chirped and soon they heard a sound of something crashing followed by a man running towards them.

"Hello,son.Its nice meeting you!",he said as he hugged taehyung tightly who hugged back hesitantly.

"What did you break now,honey?",jungkook's mom asked once they broke the hug which made jungyoon to smile sheepishly at her.

"Its nothing, honey.Its just…..my laptop fell down",he said as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Its the 4th laptop you're breaking this year and its just july for god's sake!",she said as she pinched her husband and turned towards the kids who still stood at the doorway.

"Taehyungie!Jungkookie! Go freshen up and come!I'll set the table for dinner",she said and walked towards the kitchen while her husband followed her like a lost puppy.

"Your parents are amazing",taehyung said as they entered jungkook's room who just hummed in response.

"I get that a lot,tae.Hmmm...the bathroom's over there.Freshen up and come",he said as he passed a clean towel to him.

A few minutes later,

"You're room is really neat,koo.I didn't think that you'd maintain your room like this",taehyung said as soon as jungkook came out of the bathroom in his night wear.

"What do you mean by 'I didn't think that you'd maintain your room like this' ",he tried copying tae's deep voice and continued.

"What do you think about me,huh?I'm the most organised person one could ever see",he sassed as he threw his wet towel on his bed,making taehyung to roll his eyes at him.

"I can clearly see that. Let's just stop arguing and go down.Your parents must be waiting for us",he said and walked down ,followed by jungkook who suddenly hopped on taehyung's back.

"Carry me down,you peasant",he said as he held him tightly.

"I should have tortured you for the whole day.I made a big mistake",taehyung huffed but nonetheless carried him downstairs.

"Oh,our brat made you to carry him,i see.He always does this with jungyoon.Our Jungkookie has grown up,honey.Now his boyfriend carries him",she said but started laughing once she saw her husband tearing up a little.

"Ohoo~Not again.Are you seriously going to be jealous of our taehyungie, honey.He's our Jungkookie boyfriend, my stupid husband",she said as she hugged him who sniffled slightly.

"I couldn't help it alright?Come sit with us,my taekookie.Delicious salmon bulgogi is waiting for us!",he said as he looked at the youngsters who stood still,silently watching the scene which was going on in front of them.

"Taekookie?",taehyung asked as he sat down beside jungkook.

"My dad just combined our names,tae.He ships us with the name taekook",jungkook said and smiled widely once he saw the salmon bulgogi on the plate.

"Yay yay yay!Mom is the best!",he chirped as he started dissecting the fish immediately.

"Don't eat messily, Jungkookie.",she said as she took a big piece of the fish using her chopsticks.

"Say ah,tae.You seem to be skinny.You need to eat a lot at this age so that you would grow stronger",she said and held her chopsticks before taehyung's mouth who looked at her in daze.

"Taehyungie?open up~",she smiled sweetly which made him to open his mouth hesitantly.

"There you go.Tasty, right?",she said as he patted his hair gently who smiled slightly in response.

"Eat this,taehyungie. This is my favourite!",jungyoon said as he fed the japchae from his plate.

"Baby Jungkookie is here too!Did you forget about him!?",jungkook suddenly interrupted,making his parents to laugh at their cute son.

"Offcourse not!Open your mouth widely, Jungkookie. Let me feed you a bigger piece",she said and fed her son who ate it happily.As he kept munching, he slightly turned to his side to look at taehyung who seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Tae?",he whispered as he slightly went closer to him once he saw that his parents were talking with eachother while eating.

"Hmm?",taehyung just hummed while still looking down,making jungkook to frown at the response.

"Tae~",he called once again and to say that he was shocked when taehyung turned towards him was an understatement. 

As taehyung turned towards him,he found him to be slightly teary eyed which surprised him greatly.He knew taehyung for only like 3 days and he absolutely didn't ever imagine that he would see him in this state.

"What happened, tae?Is something wrong?",he asked silently, careful that their parents would not hear their conversation.

"Its nothing, koo.Its just that…..the japchae was a bit spicy",he said as he subtly wiped his eyes on his shoulder.

"Is it?Drink some water,tae",eventhough jungkook didn't buy the reason, he let it slide as they were literally in front of his parents and he didn't want to embarass taehyung before them but mentally noted to ask him when they were alone.

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