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"Come on,jiminie!!At this rate,we're gonna miss our bus!",hoseok shouted from outside the class, making jimin to go nuts.

"Mr.Kim is the reason for everything i'm going through right now!If he starts talking about his husband he never notices the time!And our stupid bus!It never waits even for a second longer than it should!AISH!",he grumbled while jungkook just sat and listened to him without moving a bit.

"Come out soon after throwing all your garbages inside your bag,jiminie. I'll wait outside with,seokie. Bye,kookie!",yoongi said as he ran outside, leaving a frustrated jimin alone with jungkook.

"Do you not take the school bus,kookie?",he asked as he threw his book inside his bag and looked at jungkook who just shrugged.

"I live just a block away,Minie.",he said as he stood up.

"Lucky guy.Anyway, here have my number.Text me once you reach your home,alright?",he said as he hurriedly scribbled his number on jungkook's notebook which was still widely open.

"Bye bye,kookie!!",he shouted and ran away,leaving jungkook alone in the empty classroom.

"So shall we leave now,baby Jungkookie?",he said to himself as he packed his belongings not before blowing a flying kiss,catching it as soon as he made it fly.

He carelessly jumped on the pavement from one box to the other as he softly hummed his favourite song when his eyes suddenly caught up with a familiar figure in a distance.

There stood taehyung, talking with some grandma with a smile? on his face and to say that jungkook was awestruck by the smiling taehyung was an understatement. Taehyung really looked awfully handsome with a smiling face and he mentally noted that he must make him smile more often.

He kept his eyes fixed on the taller male who was still talking with the grandma but immediately hid behind the lamppost when he saw him moving slightly.

"My god!!Did he see me?If yes,please make him think this as a dream,dear almighty~",he prayed and peeked through his one eye only to see the other helping the grandma to cross the road as it seemed really busy at the moment.

"Thank you so much,dear.",the grandma said which somehow reached jungkook's ear as he put all of his energy to his ears to hear them.

"I'm happy to help you,grandma.",taehyung said politely as he hugged her who pecked his forehead and left,walking with her wobbly legs.And just like that,taehyung too left with his hands inside his pant pockets, walking like a model in a ramp.

"Hmmm??He's really a good person by heart and i couldn't understand why people didn't recognize it yet.Why do i see you in situations that no one has probably never seen,taehyung? Maybe its because i'm special, i guess.Hmmm….maybe this side of yours must be witnessed only by me which slowly makes me to fall in love with you and helps you to come out of your shell,finally the scene ends with you,living happily with me and our 3 kids.Woah!Sounds like a movie~",he said as he jogged towards his home with a small smile on his face.

"How was your day,Jungkookie!?",his mom asked as soon as he entered his home which made him to smile instantly.

"It was the best,mom!I've made three friends-Minie,yoonie, seokie and has developed a crush on taehyung which has turned into something bigger right now",jungkook said as he removed his shoes.

"REALLY!?MY BABY IS IN LOVE!HONEY!JUNGKOOKIE IS IN LOVE!",she shouted to her husband who came running with a pen behind his ear and a disheveled hair.

"I didn't say that i'm in love,mom!! But yeah~it might turn into love someday",he said but soon groaned when his parents hugged him with much force.

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