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"Jungkookie!!",jungkook's mom called him from downstairs,startling the poor boy who was busy chatting with taehyung. It has been 2 days! Two days after taehyung had revealed his past to jungkook and from then on,he has been trying to do anything and everything to cheer him up,even succeeding in his efforts perfectly. Taehyung was cheerful than normal which even made jimin to freak out when he saw the so called ice prince smile for the first time.


"Mom's calling me,tae"

"I'll come back in a bit"



"What do you want,mom-",he cut himself in mid sentence when he saw tae's mom and dad sitting on the couch with his mom

"Jungkookie-",taehyung's mom started but he soon cut her off as he started talking with his mom who gave him a dissapointed look.

"What do you want ,mom?Do you need me to help you with something?",he asked as he completely ignored the other two elders' existence like they did with his tae.

"Jungkookie, please give us a minute.Please let us explain ourselves",tae's mom pleaded with tears which instantly broke jungkook's heart.Even though they were mean to tae,he couldn't see a lady who's like his own mother to cry right in front of her.

"Jungkookie, don't be rude. I didn't know that I raised you up like this",his mom said as dissapointment was clearly written in her voice.

"But mom-

"Listen to Hyuna for once,Jungkookie. They've suffered enough and I don't want them to suffer anymore longer.If someone who could help them ,its you.So please my baby,listen to them",his mom said ,making him more surprised.

"You know about everything?",he asked with wide eyes.

"When we first met,hyuna told her every problems to me,Jungkookie. So....will you hear their point of view,dear?",she asked to which jungkook nodded silently.

"I'm so sorry for being rude,aunty.I'm sorry,uncle",he said as he bowed at them who smiled softly.

"Its okay,Jungkookie. We understand. You really love our tae,right?We're so lucky to have a son in law like you",tae's dad said,surprising the poor kid.

"Son in law?",he asked ,making the 3 adults to laugh at him.

"Offcourse you're my son in law.Just by hearing the stories of you both from hyuna and your parents, I can clearly picturize that one day ,you'll be our son in law",he laughed which brought a small smile on jungkook's face.

"So,will you hear us,kookie?",hyuna asked to which jungkook nodded his head with the same soft smile.

After 15 minutes-

"I'm so sorry that i behaved rudely to you without knowing anything, aunty.I'm so so sorry!!",jungkook cried as he hugged hyuna who hugged back, crying heavily.

"I'll try my best and make tae to talk with you,aunty. I'll make sure that he'll listen to you.I swear",he cried and was immediately hugged by taehyung's dad.

"Thank you so much,Jungkookie. Thank you",he said as a few tears rolled down his eyes.

"Tae!Open your door!",jungkook shouted as he knocked taehyung's balcony door, startling him in process.

"Koo?What happened?",he asked but got surprised when jungkook hugged him as soon as he opened the door.

"Are you alright?Is something bugging you?Talk to me,koo",he asked as he brought the other towards his bed who continued hugging him like a koala.

"What happened, koo?",he asked once again as he looked at the sad face of jungkook with concern.

"Tomorrow is my little brother's anniversary, tae.Its his 7th anniversary",jungkook said as he hugged the other who hugged him immediately.

"You had a younger brother?",he asked,surprised by the new information and caressed his head smoothly.

"Yes,tae.When i was 5 years old,hyejin was born.I didn't like him even for a bit when he came to our home.I thought that mom and dad started loving him more than me so I hated him from the beginning. When he was a baby,I would look at him from a distance and that's it.I've never even touched him. He slowly started growing up.I still remember him walking slowly to me with his wobbly legs but i never even looked at him. He would always approach me,give me his candies and all, but I never talked to him even for once",jungkook cried loudly and taehyung was fast enough to hug him immediately.

"Shhh ,koo.Don't cry~What's with us?Always crying to eachother~",he said and rubbed his back which seemed to help jungkook to slightly calm down.

"And when he was about to turn 5,he suddenly fainted while he was trying to give me a candy.I immediately sprinkled the juice i had with me on his face so that he would get up but there was no movement in him-

"A juice?",taehyung interrupted him,earning a nod from jungkook.

"I only had juice in my hand that time,alright?So...as he didn't wake up,i immediately called my mom who took him to the hospital. There....there he was tested positive for a blood cancer,tae. And the doctor said that there was no way to save him which made me to literally crumble into pieces when i heard him say that.I've never imagined something like that would happen to him",he continued in between his sobs.

"There there..",taehyung said as he passed a glass of water to jungkook who drank it,trying to push the big lump which formed in his mid throat.

"He was a very sweet child,tae .Offcourse i didn't like him but that doesn't meant that I wanted him to suffer with a deadly disease. From that day onwards I took care of him.Only then I came to know that he's really a sweet kid and I've missed almost 5 years without talking with him.But when i realised it,he was no more with me.He left the world,tae",he sobbed loudly,breaking taehyung's heart instantly.

"That day when he passed away,i cried heavily, tae.I couldn't control myself. If only I was a little bit mature,I would have spent 4 extra years with my brother.I regret for being an asshole to him till now but regretting won't bring him back to me,right?",he asked as he looked directly at taehyung who nodded his head dumbfoundedly.

"Even if he had come in between me and my parents, he's still my brother.I must've given him a chance but i didn't. Stupid me hated him but what did i get back?Only regrets which will accompany me till the end of my life ",he said as he looked straight at the other with unknown determination.

"I don't want you to regret too ,tae.Talk to your parents for once-


"No ,tae.Listen to me!If you're angry,scold them.Yell at them.But don't neglect them,tae.What if they had a reason behind everything?What if you come to know the truth in the future but they're nowhere to be found at that time you understand everything?You'd be filled with regrets,tae. And regrets will kill you every single second you live.It will haunt you till death,tae.So please talk to them. I beg you.Talk to them",he said as he pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"O-ok,koo.I'll....I'll talk to them",taehyung finally accepted, making jungkook to cheer internally.

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