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"Do you,Kim Taehyung take Jeon Jungkook as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love …"

"I do"

"Do you,Jeon Jungkook take Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love …"

"I do"

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- 

the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. 

I now pronounce you husbands. You may kiss your love."

After almost being boyfriends for 3 years,they married,making their relationship even more stronger. Two years.... It has been two years since Jeon jungkook became Kim jungkook but their love for eachother never faded and to be exact,its been growing day by day.

"Are you trying to seduce me while i'm sleeping, koo?",taehyung asked with his eyes still closed and smiled instantly when he heard his cute husband's cute giggles.

"Good morning to you too,my Taebae. And fyi,I was looking at something which belongs only to me.Got a problem?",he asked which made taehyung to laugh slightly.

"The 'thing' you're referring to is a breathing human being, you know?",he said as he looked at the other playfully who scoffed at him.

"I was trying to be romantic and you being you,spoiled the mood!",jungkook pouted and taehyung was fast enough to peck the pout away.

"Romantic?Is my cute husband planning for something big early in the morning?",he asked as he nuzzled his face in the crook of the little one's neck who huffed in response.

"Meanie",he mumbled as he pinched the other's arm and tried getting up from the bed but yelped when he was instantly pulled down and the next second he found himself beneath his husband.

"Is my baby angry at hubby? Hubby will be sad if baby is angry with him",taehyung pouted which made it really difficult for jungkook to control his smile.

"But hubby was a meanie to baby",he pouted which made taehyung to pout back.

"Then let hubby make it up for what he did to his baby",he said and kissed his baby lovingly who kissed back with a big smile on his face.

"Taebae?",he called a few minutes later and taehyung who was still on top of him,hummed in response.

"What would have happened if I didn't text you that day?",he asked as the sudden thought of them becoming boyfriends at the beginning striked his mind.

"Our relationship would have been postponed for a few days.Only the date and time would have been changed,koo.But our love for eachother would be the same",he said as he swaped their places with jungkook being on the top now.

"Really?",jungkook asked as he raised his head slightly to smile at the other who smiled back at him not before pecking his rosy lips.

"Really. Anyway, even if you didn't text me that day, I was planning to ask you out sooner or later. You just made things easier for us",he said and smiled a little when he felt the other hug him tighter.

"When did you fall in love with me,tae?Eventhough we were together for years,I've never asked you this!",he pouted which made taehyung to smile at him yet again.

"That's because you were dumb-

"Tae",jungkook warned and taehyung took that warning as a cue to shut his mouth immediately.


"Next time you call me dumb,you'll be sleeping on the couch for a month",he said as he looked pointedly at the other who gulped and smiled sheepishly.

"I was just kidding,koo.You don't need to throw me on the couch for a month, you know.You're the most brilliant human I've ever seen-

"Enough!Now answer my question!When did you fall in love with me?",he asked with a slight blush on his face.

"Hmmm…..if i think about that…..the day you came to your new house?From the moment I saw you,you instantly sparkled my interest, koo.That day i was watching some horror movie on my laptop with my headsets on but something caught my attention through my peripheral view. And when I turned towards the window, I was met with you,dancing violently to gangnam style.That day you made me to laugh hard,koo.After years,I laughed genuinely and it was only because of you.",he said as he played with the other's soft hair.

"That day,your weirdness made me intrigued. And when I saw you in my class,sitting with me,I was more than happy,you know. And when you rejected jimin's offer with switching seats,it made me the happiest. But what made me exactly to fall in love with you was, when you said that you wanted to make me happy.You wanted to make my sorrows and loneliness fade away.When everyone saw me as just an ice prince,you were the only one who saw the inner me. You understood who the real taehyung was . No one other than my parents cared for me and when i felt that i had no one,you came into my life and made me feel alive,Koo.GOD!!I love you so much!!",he said and was instantly met with a pair of lips.The kiss was of pure love and both of them were melting in eachother's arms.

"I love you too,tae.I love you so much",he said as he broke the kiss and hugged his husband tightly but got startled when he heard a knock at their door.

"Dada!papa!",a small voice was heard as the door opened to reveal their 4 year old son whom they adopted a month after their wedding.

"Nielie,come to dada",jungkook called the little boy who waddled towards them sleepily while dragging a teddy bear.

"Slept well,sweety?",taehyung asked as jungkook scooped him in his arms,giving him a kiss.

"Sleepy",he mumbled as he hugged his dada.

"Then sleep on papa,dear.",taehyung said as he kissed his forehead and laid the small boy on him who fell asleep rather immediately. He smiled as he looked at their son sleeping cutely on him and turned towards his husband only to see him already smiling at them with fond eyes.

"Come here,dear",he called softly as he held his arm out for him who hugged him instantly and just like that the three went back to dreamland with a content smile plastered on their faces.

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