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"Hmm….not bad~I thought that your whole room will be in black or something as you seemed to be that type of a guy",jungkook said as he entered taehyung's room.

"Which type of a guy?",taehyung asked as he sat on his bed boredly.

"An emo type of a guy?MY GOD!!YOU CAN REALLY SEE MY ROOM CLEARLY FROM HERE!",he shouted as he saw his room ,even his bed was seen clearly from here which urged him to remember whatever he did for the past week in his room. 

"Thank god that i decided to change my clothes in the bathroom!This means that even jerking off must be done inside the bathroom,right?Its gonna be really uncomfortable~Should i just let him see me doing it?",he thought as a wild blush coated his cheeks and turned towards taehyung who raised his eyebrows at him.

"Did you just imagine something like a pervert?",he asked and smirked at the boy who walked away towards the book shelf immediately without a word,confirming his suspicion.

"Interesting~",he murmured as he looked at jungkook who was rummaging through the book shelf with red cheeks.

"Do you live alone,tae?",he asked,eyes still remained on the book in his hand.


"Yes,tae.Who would call their boyfriend with full name and likewise,create a good nickname for me,tae",jungkook said as he sat beside taehyung who looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"What?",jungkook asked as he hugged his waist who let him do anything he wanted.

"Koo",he said after a few minutes,confusing the other who was literally dozing off because of the body warmth.

"Hmm?",he asked as he looked up at the giraffe legged boy who sighed at him.

"I'll call you as koo from now on",he said and as if on cue,jungkook started squeeling.

"Its really cute,tae!!",he said and hugged him who fell down on the bed due to the sudden force.

"You're really warm~Let me cuddle with you untill mom calls me for dinner",jungkook said as he cuddled closer.

"You didn't answer me yet tho",he said after he found a comfortable position.


"Do you live alone,tae?",he asked as he raised his head slightly to look at the boy who was already looking at him.

"Do you think that a 17 year old boy lives alone in such a big house?Offcourse i live with my parents",he said matter of factly who pouted in response.

"Is it?Fine,let's go meet them!",he said as he tried sitting up but failed when taehyung held him down tightly.

"Don't",he said sternly with a darkened expression which absolutely terrified jungkook but decided to mask it immediately.

"Why not!?~",he whined.

"No means no,jungkook. That's it.Now stop talking",he said as he closed his eyes,not in the mood to talk anything.

The next morning, jungkook found taehyung waiting for him outside his house which immediately made him to jog towards him.

"Good morning, tae.Slept well?",he asked and smiled when the other nodded slightly.

"Did you?"

"Yes!I even had a dream where we both went on a trip to a hilly region!Shall we go on a trip for real,tae?",he asked as they started walking to their school.

"We'll see.Maybe during our vacation holidays",taehyung said and turned around when jungkook started squeeling loudly, not even considering that they were in the middle of a busy road.

"Calm down or we're not going",taehyung dead panned which immediately did its work on jungkook who obediently walked beside him,trying to really calm down his excitement.

"I'm really excited, tae",jungkook suddenly jumped on him as he whispered in his ear which instantly brought a smile at his cuteness but immediately morphed it with a cough once jungkook detached himself from him.

"Yeah yeah~Now walk faster,you Penguin legged boy",he said as he walked faster, making jungkook to pout immediately.

"Stupid giraffe legged dumbo",he muttered and ran behind taehyung who smiled secretly at the boy's remark.

"Did you say something, koo?And fyi,you're my slave today.Remember?",he asked,drawing a big whine from the other.

"That's why the scholars from those days said that 'we should look before you leap',koo",he said ,earning a series of curses in between his whines.

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