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After an hour of cuddling with his parents on their living room couch,taehyung went back to his room happily. He plopped himself down on his bed,smiling from ear to ear ,utterly happy that he got back his parents.Content that they are indeed the perfect family he had dreamed for years.

As he laid down there,his thoughts went back to jungkook who was the sole reason for the happiness he is experiencing now and without any other thoughts, he rushed towards his balcony and jumped into jungkook's. As soon as he landed,he went to knock the door only to find it to be closed without being locked.

"What am i gonna do with him?What if someone attacks him when he's alone?",he murmured as he entered the room and was instantly met with the other who was just in his oversized sweater, rummaging through his closet probably for a shorts. He smoothly hugged his little one from behind, startling him in process.

"AHHHHHH TAE!!! SAVE ME!!!",he shouted and turned back so that he could see the intruder only to pout heavily once he saw who it was.

"Tae?You really startled me to death!I really thought that some serial killer had entered my room!!",he scolded and hugged the other who was laughing at him.

"Then why did you keep your door open,dumbo?You're really careless at times,koo",he scolded him who pouted in response.

"I was about to come to your room but only when I came out,I realized that i was not wearing pants.Wait,tae.Let me wear my shorts and then we can talk",he said but the next second, he found himself being dragged to his bed by his boyfriend.

"No need for pants,koo.Let's just cuddle like this",taehyung said as he cuddled with him closely.


"Thank you,koo",taehyung interrupted as he kissed jungkook's cheek who was struggling to speak because of the sudden intimacy.

"Hmmm?",he replied as he couldn't pinpoint why the other was suddenly thanking him but gasped when he remembered their early morning talk.

"Did you talk with your parents,tae?How did it go?Everything went smooth,right?",he bombarded his boyfriend with questions who couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness.

"That's why I'm thanking you,koo.If you didn't urge me ,i don't know….I wouldn't have ever talked with them.So thank you so much.Only because of you ,my dream to have a perfect family came true",he said and hugged him tightly if it was even possible.

"I know that you'd be the happiest after talking with them,tae.I'm happy that you're happy",he said but smiled as he saw taehyung's puzzled expression.

"You knew everything beforehand?",he asked to which jungkook smiled at him softly.

"Remember my mom calling me when we were texting yesterday,tae?",he asked and continued when the other nodded his head silently.

"Your parents came to meet me that time,tae. At first I didn't talk with them. They made my boyfriend to cry like a child so I was really angry at them.But my mom was the one who made me to listen to them, which i'm really thanfull for. Now look at you,smiling widely, being really handsome for me.From now on you must always be smiling,tae.No more tears,baby",he said and laughed when the other rolled his eyes playfully at him.

"But I confirmed something yesterday,tae",jungkook said after a few minutes of them just cuddling.

"And that is?"

"Your father is indeed overprotective with you",he said,confusing taehyung yet again.

"Did he say something to you,koo?",he asked,plotting different scenarios of what might have happened the day before.

"Don't think too much,tae",he said boredly as he looked at taehyung who looked back at him pointedly.

"He didn't say or do anything to hurt me,tae.He did say that i was his future son in law but that was not hurtful, i guess-

"Future son in law!?He knew about us and even approved our relationship?",taehyung beamed.

"So you're not gonna ask me what i was talking about?",he huffed ,making taehyung to laugh slightly at him.

"Sorry,my prince. May i know what you were talking about?",he asked with a small smile as he saw the little one smiling at his words.

"So when you said your father was overprotective, you were 100% right,tae."


"Have you ever thought about what happened to your babysitter after you left to daegu?",he asked with an amused smile.

"No?Not really?",taehyung said as he waited for the other's reply.

"Your neighbour informed your dad about everything once you asked him to take you to daegu.And the next day, your dad paid for some female goons to beat the shit out of her,tae.After a week of torture, he threw her into the prison and left her to rot there.He didn't tell you anything about this?",jungkook asked ,surprised.

"No….but wow!I didn't even imagine that he would do something like this.",he said with shock.

"You're so lucky, tae.You've got great parents. I'm so happy that you guys solved your misunderstandings and are happy together!",he said happily and hugged the taller male who hugged back with equal happiness.

"I know that i've said this already but let me tell you once again. Thank you so much for coming into my life,koo",he said as he kissed the other's forehead who smiled lovingly at the other.



"I'm still waiting",jungkook said as he smiled softly at him.

"For what,koo?",taehyung asked as he moved the stray hair away from jungkook's eye.

"For you to take my first kiss",he said as a wild blush formed on his face,but still looked into his eye.

"Koo?Are you sure?- 

But before he could complete his sentence, jungkook gave him a peck which lasted only for seconds but long enough to solve his every doubt. He soon grabbed jungkook by his neck and kissed him messily yet passionately and smiled into the kiss when he felt the other kiss him back almost instantly.

"I love you,koo",he said as they broke their kiss and smiled widely when jungkook pecked him once again.

"I love you too,tae.So much",he said as he hugged him.

"And koo"


"You're my first kiss too",he said which instantly brought a big smile on jungkook's face.

"Koo?",taehyung called him after a few minutes of just enjoying eachother's company and continued when he heard a soft hum.

"Will you be okay if I visit your brother's grave with you?",he asked as he looked at the other who smiled sheepishly at him.

"About that!tae…",he stammered.


"I don't have any little brother,tae. I'm the only child for my parents",he said as he scratched his head in embarrassment.


"I just adopted my little brother for the time being…..so that you could understand the depth of the situation evenmore",he smiled sheepishly as he looked at the other who looked dumbfounded.

"But you cried?",he asked with wide eyes.

"Wasn't my story sentimental, tae?Eventhough it was made up on spot,it was worth crying",he said matter of factly but screeched when he was suddenly attacked by taehyung.

He started laughing loudly as the other tickled him violently.

"You brat!!",taehyung screamed as he charged his brat of a boyfriend with tickles,but nonetheless had a huge smile plastered on his face.

Only an epilogue is more and this story will be completed 😊

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