Chapter 8; Uncharted waters

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"Soobin, please!" She practically begged the boy sitting in front of her.

"For the last time, no!" He replied in a hushed, yet aggressive tone.

Mrs. Jo smacked her hands on the table as she turned around and glared at the student president and vice-president. She knitted her eyebrows angrily and put her index finger on her lips telling them to stop the commotion. Soobin gulped, intimidated by the teacher, and mentally cursed Eun-Bi.

Even after the teacher's threat, Eun-Bi still kept jabbing her finger at Soobin's back to get his attention but he kept ignoring her and the entire one-hour lecture was nothing less than genuine torture for Soobin.

"That would be all for today, everyone. Make sure to memorize what I taught you today and..." Mrs. Jo glanced at Soobin and Eun-Bi.

"I'm letting you two off the hook just this once but I won't be so gracious the next time."

"Yes, Mrs. Jo!" Soobin bowed his head to the teacher and as she left the classroom, Soobin jolted out right afterward, not stopping to glance at Eun-Bi even once. She followed him and he kept running, running and running and when he turned a corner, he almost crashed into Irene.

"Wha-!" Irene put her arms in front of her face to prepare herself for the blow.

"Irene! Help me please!" He wailed as he squatted behind her, using her as a shield from Eun-Bi.

Eun-Bi quickly caught up and saw Soobin behind Irene. Irene stood in between the two combatants, completely flabbergasted.

"Soobin sir! This is the last time, I promise!" She put her hands together and dramatically pleaded.

"NO, a big fat no!" Soobin put his hands on his ears and pretended to not hear her.

Irene kept looking at Eun-Bi, then at Soobin, and then Eun-Bi again. She felt like she had heart palpitations and felt dizzy by their drama but now was no moment to just pass out, so she gathered her left-over strength and screamed on top of her lungs to discipline her friends.

"What is going on here?!" She glared, her face red with anger.

"Just tell him to go with me." Eun-Bi gave an exasperated sigh.

"Go where?" Irene inquired.

"To that stupid party thingie, they hold every two years to impress that god-forsaken Dong-Wook," Soobin shouted from behind Irene.

"Dong-Wook?" Irene gave a puzzled look to Eun-Bi, raising her eyebrow to ask if Soobin was telling the truth.

"It's not just about Dong-Wook, Irene," Eun-Bi made a sober expression as she straightened her stature.

"It's about BlackWoods. We don't attend any social school events like we're some sort of nerds, hiding our social impairments behind books and the cherry on top, everyone thinks we avoid Dong-Wook because he whipped our asses in that Brain Power contest. Do you know how bad that makes us look?"

"Fair enough," Irene moved her body back to face Soobin.

"I'm with her on this one." 

"Irene?! C'mon, man! You know she's bluffing." Soobin was rendered speechless that Eun-Bi was able to trick the witty Irene. This may be 0.5 percent of the reason she wanted to attend the party, but the other 99.5 percent, she just wanted to see Dong-Wook and maybe, make him envious too.


Ms. Baek was handing out the weekly evaluations to the students and when she was done, she leaned on the table eyeing down every student.

"Why are you people studying Business?" She asked carrying out the daily 'why you're doing what you're doing' activity.

Countless hands raised in the class and almost everyone was given a chance to speak. Some said that they thought they had leadership qualities, some thought they were creative and innovative, while others, blatantly, said that they had to learn the family trade. Yeonjun was staring outside the window the whole time, his head in the clouds. Ms. Baek had been noticing the boy's absent-minded behavior and thought that maybe it was because of changing schools. But today, she decided to interact with him.

"Choi Daniel, why are you studying Business?" She looked at the boy, eagerly waiting for a response.

Yeonjun moved his head towards the teacher, his eyes as distant as the moon. The entire class moved their heads towards him, anticipating to hear his voice.

"Because I was told to." His voice was the only sound in the room and the graveness in it sent shivers down everyone's spine. Ms. Baek would've asked him to elaborate but she felt too intimidated to ask.

"Oh..." She replied with a forced smile.

The bell rang and Ms. Baek left the classroom. The students went to their respective lectures and so did Yeonjun. As soon as he was done with his 2nd lecture, he was called in the staffroom by Ms. Baek. It was probably about what he said in the morning but why would she call him to discuss that?

 He knocked at the door and a male voice told him to come in. As he entered the classroom, he saw at least 20 teachers in the room and almost about half of them weren't Koreans. Ms. Baek was sitting by a window, typing something on her computer as she chewed on some gum. Yeonjun made her way to her and cleared his throat, trying to gain her attention.

The bubble she had blown from the gum burst around her lips as the boy's presence startled her. Yeonjun hardly suffocated his laugh at that. She pulled the gum from her face, wrapped it into a tissue before she tossed it into the bin.

"Okay!" She said as she looked at him and began to talk.

The woman's clumsiness made Yeonjun wonder about how she got a job in BlackWoods.

"Daniel, do you miss your old school?" 

"Not at all, Ms. Baek." 

"Then why are you not paying any attention to your classes?" Her clumsy demeanor had now changed into a rather concerned one. A typical teacher would've tried to discipline a student using rather violent and aggressive ways. That would've been more suitable for Yeonjun, for it would've given him a good reason to give a bold and daring answer but this, this was different.

"I don't know..." His head dropped at the lack of answers at his disposal.

Even though this was exactly what Ms. Baek was expecting, she was still worried about him.

"I think you could use a session with Dr. Han." She said as she dialed a number on the landline resting on her table.

"Her office is in Building  2, Ground floor."


Heyah! I feel like this chapter was too wordy and had too many dialogues...Did the dialogues ruin the chapter? TT I hope they didn't! (Dialogues are an essential part of any fiction or story)(But something in my brain keeps telling me to write as fewer dialogues as possible. Do you agree with my brain?)

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