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The nigh was dark and without any stars. The beautiful dark spasm lay wide above.

Rakshit was walking on the sea shore without an aim. His mind wavered with many thoughts. None of them holding him to the ground.

A sudden splash and water hitting onto his feet, brought him back to reality.

"Who is it?" He asked.

On getting no reply, he walked towards the sea into the water.

"Answer me!" He repeated.

He still got no answer and that angered him. He was not used to being ignored or disobeyed.

"I said, answer me!" He snapped again walking into the water.

"Hey! Stop right there." A female voice spoke.

He was mesmerized by her sweet and soothing voice. He could not see anyone but he could feel her presence.

"Show yourself!" He demanded.

"No!" She replied adamantly.

"That wasn't a request!"

"What was it then?"

"An order!"

"I don't take orders from you!"

"How dare you?"

"I am quite daring to say!"

"You are disrespectful!"

"I don't have to respect you!"

"Who said that you don't have to respect me?"

"I just know!"

"You are getting on my nerves now!"

"I don't like you, let alone your nerves one bit! Why in the world would I climb upon it?"

"Are you mocking me?"

"What if I am?"

"You will regret it!"

"I am sure that I won't!"

"I will make you regret it!"

"I will regret ever meeting such an arrogant person like you because you are very annoying!"

"You are one little disrespectful creature!"

"You are no one to judge me!"

"What about you judging me?"

"I was just stating the facts!"

"Can you be anymore rude?"

"I am not rude but I am just straightforward!"

"Just tell me onething, who are you!"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I have the rights to know!"

"I have the right to uphold my privacy!"

"I am the dragon king!"

"Ok, so what?"

"So what? Didn't you hear me? I am the dragon king!"

"I really don't care if you are the dragon king or a mere servant!"

"How dare you compare me to a mere servant!"

"What care is it! A servant or a dragon king, the only difference is the status otherwise both have life!"

"Why are you so unreasonable?"

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"




"Are you not scared of me?"

"Do I look like I am scared?"

"I don't know, different people show their fear in different ways!"

"I am sure that you do mean something by that statement!"

"You sure know me well!"

"So care to elaborate?"

"Why not?"

"Then please go ahead!"

"Sure! I feel that you defying me this much and talking back to me is just to cover your fear."

"Are you sure of that?"

"Yes! Positive!"

"You are an idiotic wit!"

"Are you cursing me?"


"Aren't you afraid that I would behead you?"

"I am not!"

"I am well aware of my position and I can surely do that!"

"I don't doubt that you are capable of killing me but i know that you wouldn't kill me yet!"

"What makes you so sure of that?"

"My instincts, I guess!"

"You trust it too much!"


"You are unique!" Rakshit smiled for the first time that day.

"I know that!"

"Cocky much?"


"Doesn't seem so!"

"The reality is beyond what is seen to the naked eyes!"


"Copying my dialogue?"

"That's not just your dialogue!"

"Hmm, ok!"

"What is your name?"

As the voice was going to answer, a sound of shell bring blown was heard.

"I have to go now!" With that the figure jumped into the water disappearing from his view.

"Hey!" Rakshit called but it seemed that she was gone. He walked away with disappointment evident on his face.

As he walked into his palace, the guards frowned upon seeing his disappointed face. He never wore that expression.

"Get me details about the sea creatures!" Rakshit told the man while walking away.

He retired to his bed with a single sweet voice in his head. An unclear figure in his head.

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