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Shikhar woke up inside the room on his cot. He could feel that the sun was up and would burn upon his skin if he was to step outside.

He looked around for the familiar face if the girl but she was nowhere to be seen. His mind wavered with thoughts.

He was quizzical of how he ended up on his cot when he was sure that he was lying outside his hut.

"Hi Shikhar! You seem to be in a trance!" Divya stared at him with a smirk.

On seeing her, he left a sigh of relief. His body was relieved from all the stress that he unknowingly held within him.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Well, hello to you too! I am overjoyed by the wonderful greeting!" She mocked at him.

"You are movking at me!"


"I asked you a question!"

"I went to search for the Rainwish flower and some juicy fruits." Divya said showing him a leaf basket full of blue berries, cherries and a few ripe mangoes.

"From where did you get the basket?"

"I made it myself!"

"You made them?"


"I can't believe it!"

"Or else, you tell me, who in the world will make this basket for me in this depth if the woods!"

"Someone might!"

"They would first try to kidnap me!"

"So you know that!"

"Know what?"

"You know that going into the forest alone is dangerous and you may end up being kidnapped."

"I sure can throw a few punches!"

"Right! A fragile girl like you can scream as loud as you want but not throw a single punch!"

"I can defeat you!" Divya got into her punching position.

"I would love to see you try!"

"I am afraid that you wouldn't love to be hurt by my sharp and strong punches."

"You think I would be hurt by your punch?" Shikhar burst out laughing.

"I would have punched you square in the jaw had you not given me shelter during my vulnerable state."

"Loyal, I see!"


"But you could have called me to accompany you."

"Then what? Burn you in this immense heat?"


"I thought so!" Divya settled down on the bed and kept her basket on the floor.

"Eat up then! Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

"I am content with these, I really don't want a package of blood!"

"I was asking if you wanted real edible food. I can ask someone to being it fir you."

"No thanks, I can do with these fruits." Divya popped another cherry into her mouth.

"How did I end up here on the bed?" Shikhar asked after a pause.

"I carried you here!" She said without thinking.

"You carried me? A human girl?" Shikhar asked with amusement and confusion in his eyes.

"I was just kidding! You are surely too heavy for me and my hands would fall off if I try to carry you!" She said with a laugh.

"Exactly my thoughts!"

"Whatever but I am not that weak!"

"Yeah right! But how did I end up on the bed?"

"I think you sleep walked in here!"

"I never had that before!"

"Everything has a first time!"

"That's still wierd!"

"You surely are wierd!"

"I am not!"

"Yes you are!"




"Giving up? So soon?"

"There is no use if speaking sense to fools!"

"That's right, it's the most dangerous thing to do due to which I don't try speaking sense into you."

"A good try to backfire me!"

"You brought it upon yourself!"


"How old are you?"

"23 years!"

"I didn't ask the age you look like. I asked your real age!"

"Oh, like that! I am 279 years old!"

"Oh my God! Such an old Grandpa!"


"I am just stating facts!"

"I don't need a stupid nickname though."

"It's cute!" Divya said laughing lightly.

Shikhar tried calming his rapidly beating heart. He scooted a bit away from Divya and tried to hide his flushed face.

"When are you going back to your house?"

"So eager to let me go?"

"You need to return! Your family might be worried sick trying to find you."

"I will go but only after 2 more days."

"Why 2 days?"

"The Rainwish flower will only bloom for another two days after which we can see it after another 200 years.

"Ok, we can try to find it!"

"But how can you?"

"I will accompany you at night."

"Ok, got it!"


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