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Shikhar woke up on the grassy ground with the bright sun shining above his head. The sunlight clashed onto his body and lightened it up.

He stood up and tried to figure out the place. He was under the sun and he didn't burn.

He didn't even feel a slight pain. This was shocking for him. He tried his best to locate Divya.

The only two conclusions he wanted to come to was that she either went to the hut or was in search for some berries.

Shikhar stood up from the ground and trailed through the deepest edges of woods. He searched and searched for her.

After having searched the woods thoroughly, he decided that she would be in the hut. He raced down to the hut.

He no longer had his vampire speed and he could stand under the sun for as long as he wanted. He didn't feel thirsty for blood. It felt as if he was no longer a vampire.

Brushing away all the thoughts, he rushed into his hut to find it empty. Not even her scent was left in the hut.

A sudden feeling if emptiness engulfed him from his insides. She was his mate and she left him.

Several thoughts clouded up his mind. Had she left him for good? Was it her rejection?

He cursed himself for not confessing to her that she was his mate. Someone from deep within him, screamed. The dragon was in pure rage.

His legs gave away and he was on the floor. The sound of the door opening, sprilhng his head up.

"Bhaiya?" This was the word he spoke after seeing the person who entered his hut.

"Shikhar? The curse is undone, isn't it?" Rakshit stood in front of him with a smile.

Shikhar ran to his brother and pulled him into a longing embrace. He cried into Rakshit's shoulder.

"I lost her!" He said in between sobs.

"Who? What happened?" Rakshit was very confused at the sorrowful behaviour of his only younger brother.

"My mate! She is a human who I helped. I can't find her. She went away." Shikhar cried harder.

"Listen to me first. We can find her but before that I need to get you back home, to our palace. You need to replace yourself as the Dragon prince." Rakshit said while guiding him out.

"Bhaiya! How was the curse undone?" Shikhar asked once he was seated in the passenger seat of the car.

"I made a wish to the Rainwish flower, yesterday. It came true." Rakshit said while driving.

His mind was calm. Rakshit knew that finding Shikhar's mate would not be difficult because she was a human and Shikhar would be able to catch her scent very easily.

Rakshit was very glad to have his brother back to the palace to rule with him.

"Where did you find the flower?" Shikhar asked.

"It was deep within the ocean, precisely on the ocean bed."

"Who helped you get it?"

"My mate!"

"You found your mate?"

"Yes, I did."

Shikhar was very happy for his older brother inspite of bring sad for not having his mate by his side. He knew that it would not be too laborious to find her.

The brothers shared their stories. They told eachother about their mates and their first meetings. This was a blissful conversation.

The joy increased by a hundred fold when the car entered the palace compound.

Several maids, guards, other workers and their pack members welcomed Shikhar.

A party was arranged to welcome the Dragon prince back home.

"Our might Dragon Prince- Shikhar Shergil, the younger brother of our Dragon King- Rakshit Shergil is back to the reins after serving the curse of being a vampire. We gladly announce that the curse has been broken much ahead if time and our Dragon Prince is back after 6 months of separation." The pack member announced.

Might claps and warm smiles welcomed the Dragon Prince back home.

The only aim for the Dragons was to drag down the Werewolves and defeat them.

A war between 2 equally powerful packs. One being the Shergil Dragons Pack and the other being the Blood Moon Pack.


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