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"Why was she not there?" The dragon king was walking by the sea shore once again but the only difference is that it was night and the moon shed its light on the shore.

The dragon looked down in disappointment and walked ahead not sure of his journey.

The waves hit softly but he couldn't enjoy them due to a heaviness in his heart.

"Hey, Dragon king?" A soft yet fierce voice called out. Hearing this, the king turned to his left to see a feminine figure sitting on the rock.

The rock was far away from the shore and it seemed to be built deep into the sea.

"Is it you?" The dragon voiced his thoughts.

"Which you?"

"I met you yesterday, didn't I?"

"You should know the answer better than me!"

"So it's you!"


"So, you can accept it."

"I didn't do any crime so I don't need to be afraid."

"Then why did you hide in the morning?"


"I didn't see you when I came this morning."

"You came here?"




"For me?"


"You aren't a good liar!"



"You just insulted me."



"The big bad dragon wants to lie?"

"That is a very important skill I need to possess."



Both of them drifted into a peaceful silence before he started walking towards her.

"Hey, where are you coming?"

"To you, of course."


"I want to see you."


"Why?" He kept walking forward.

"If you come her, I will go away."

"Hey, don't!"

"Then, stay away."

"I want to see you!"

"Why me?"

"You are the only one who challenged me!"

"I don't recall challenging you!"

"Everyone would consider even the little as to staring at me with disrespect as challenging me."

"Such a bad dragon king!"

"Born like that!"


"See, this makes you different from the others!"

"Elaborate, please!"

"You are the only one who can stand upto me."

"I am courageous!"

"I would say foolish!"


"You should know that the consequences would be critical."

"But I am still fine!"

"I am being patient with you."

"So kind of you!"

"I know."

A shrill sound of a shell being blown was heard.

"I have to go." The mermaid spoke.

"Please tell me your name at least!"

"Drishti!" The mermaid said before plunging into the water leaving Rakshit alone on the shore.


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