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The next morning, the sisters were back in the dungeons. Shikhar and Rakshit had carried their sleeping mates back early in the morning.

It shattered their hearts to put their mates on that hard cot mean't for slaves.

"Wake up!" The sisters woke up hearing a bang on the jail doors.

"A person is here to meet you." The guard said.

Soon after, a zombie walked in.

"Good day to the powerful Alpha and Beta of the Blood Moon Pack." The zombie bowed down.

"Why bow down to slaves?" Divya asked.

"Inspite of your position set by the cruel dragons, you still have royal blood within you." The zombie spoke.

"But we are within the bars. We have nothing to fight." Drishti said.

"I can help."

"Why would you?" Divya asked the man.

"The clan of zombies always looked upto the Werewolves as role models." The zombie bowed down again.

"That is new to us." Divya said.

"We wanted to help you when you were in need!"

"How will you do it?" Drishti asked.

"I will he your messenger. I can inform the Werewolves to arrange a war against the dragons."

"But the contract says otherwise!" Divya said.

"We can't always follow the contract. Your pack needs you out."

"But!" Divya said.

"I think it is better to let me help."

"I guess he is right!" Drishti said.

"But di!" Divya started.

"The alpha is right! Please let me extend my help."

"Well, please come visit us once again then." Drishti said and the zombie walked away after a respectful nod.

"Is it him?" Divya asked.

"I think so." Drishti said.

Within a few minutes, Shikhar and Rakshit walked in.

"It is him, I guess." Drishti said and Divya nodded in response.

"What did he tell you?" Rakshit asked.

"He praised us a lot and called the dragons cruel. He asked to help us by arranging a war between the Werewolves and dragons." Drishti said.

"He showed respect to us and praised us. He congratulated us for having you under our control and warned us about an attack from the Werewolves." Shikhar said.

"So, it's him!" Divya said.

"The clan of zombies plan against us!" Rakshit said.

"Call the pack members." Drishti said and walked out of the dungeon.

The guard stopped her but shrinked backward in fear after seeing glares on many faces.

"Hold a meeting in an hour." Drishti commanded after entering the meeting hall.


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