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"Come here fast!" Divya whisper yelled pulling Shikhar along with her.

They were out in the woods trying to find the Rainwish flower. They had been searching since sunset. The moon wasn't clearly visible yet.

They walked through the lush bushes and flowers of various colours. They were tickled by nature at times.

"Can you slow down a bit?" Shikhar asked her.

"I am walking the slowest now!" She said.



"I though you were a vampire!"

"So what?"

"You are supposed to have extraordinary speed." Divya shrugged and walked forward.

"It's just, nevermind!"

"Follow me and look around."

They walked into the woods deeper and deeper. Divya didn't notice a heavy branch sprawled across the floor and tumbled on it.

She shut her eyes tight trying to stop her fall but at the same time waiting for her face to hit the harsh floor.

It never happened but she felt coolness on her waist. On opening her eyes, she saw the floor not near but far away by a few feat.

She realized his hold on her waist and he pulled her up. Her back crashed onto his chest due to the force. Warm and cool mixed to form something unique.

Both their breath hitched and their hearts beating wild within. Divya slowly turned to face Shikhar and they gazed into each other's eyes.

Seconds, minutes or hours? They didn't know how much time passed but nothing stopped them from gazing into each other's beautiful orbs.

A magnificent blue light shone between them in a thin line interrupting their wonderstruck moment.

"What is this light?" Shikhar was the first to revive.

"It's coming from there!" Divya pointed towards the direction of light which shone from beneath the bushes.

"Let's check!" Shikhar held her behind him.

The duo quietly walked to the direction of the light.

Shikhar carefully pulled the bushes into different directions trying to figure out the source of light.

"Is this what you are looking for?" Shikhar turned yo look at Divya.

Divya stood on her tiptoe trying to see the scene from behind Shikhar who blocked her view completely.

"Hey! I can't see anything, you hulk." She slapped him behind his head and shoved him to the side.

"So strong for a damsel!" Shikhar commented.

"I am no damsel and distress is far away from me." She tried to view the scene close.

Before her was a beautiful flower which emitted blue thin streaks of light. Tiny rain drops were on the petal appearing to be stuck on it. The petals were blue on colour and the leaves along with the stem was golden. The beauty could lure the strongest of men.

"Found it!" Divya whispered.

She moved forward to pluck the divine flower. She walked towards it and sat on her knees bending towards the flower, she joined her plants and mumbled incoherent mantras.

Shikhar adored the beauty in front of him. Divya was bathe in the beauty of blue lights and at times golden sparkles kissing her cheeks.

He had a hard time controlling his emotions but it wasn't as easy as said.

Divya opened her eyes slowly and extended her hands to the flower as if asking for something. The leaf extended itself to her palm and she closed her eyes mumbling something again.

The golden sparkles covered her. Her hair shone of gold and her face brighter with a tint.

The petals bowed itself to her palm along with the leaves and she seemed to emit blue rays. She looked divine.

The flower was uprooted on its own and lay still on her palm. Then it rained. A peculiar rain which only fell on her but didn't wet her. The drops clearly fell on her head and as long as her hands could spread out. Not a single drop wet her or her surroundings.

The process was finally done and the flower wilted away in her hands. She had a single drop of tear falling down her cheek and a magnificent smile occupied her lips.

"All done?" Shikhar asked.

"Yes!" She said and walked ahead with Shikhar on the trail.

"So, I think I will be off soon!" Divya said but she got no reply and this made her turn back and try to spot him.

She found no one behind him but a sound of someone screaming in pain was low and clear to her ears.

She tried to locate the sound and her vision froze on Shikhar who was lying in the floor in absolute pain. He clutched the grass blades with both his hands.

Divya rushed towards him and bend towards his face trying to cup his face between her hands. He was breathing heavily without uniformity in his breath intake. He clutched her hands tightly and they gazed at eachother.

Their orbs told eachother stories after stories with just a single hope of bring together forever but they knew that reality may be harsher on them.


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