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The meeting room was filled with members of both the packs. A deadly silence took its place in the room.

"The contract states that the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, Drishti and the Beta of the Blood Moon Pack, Divya would be handed off to the Dragon King  of the Shergil Dragon Pack, Rakshit Shergil and Dragon Prince of the Shergil Dragon Pack, Shikhar as slaves. Having this guaranteed, no war shall happen between the 2 clans for another 800 years." The pack member read the contract.

The reactions were various. The Werewolves felt a surge of anger rise through their veins. The dragons themselves were very shocked at such a cruel deal. They refused to believe that it was put forward by their leaders.

"This is not possible."

"How dare the Dragons!"

"They are no slaves."

"War it is!"

Several uprisings were heard from the Werewolves.

"My people, we are strong and we shall be strong forever and go with them in return for peace." Drishti said.

Several voices raised stating their disapproval of letting them go as mere slaves.

"It is time to serve you and protect you. That we shall do!" Divya said.

The contract rose upto the air. Rakshit and Shikhar sliced their thumb with their magic sword and produced the blood which flowed in waves to the contract.

The blood splayed on the contract. Drishti and Divya did the same and their blood combined into a big spot and a wave of red magic flew through the contract.

The contract was finalised and many Werewolves were in tears. Their father spoke nothing and retired to his chambers.

The contract was shared to every clan in the world.

The sisters were put in the dungeons in the palace. They were spared many eyes of pity.

The day was spend dull in the dungeons. The night approached and was much awaited.

At the crack of dawn, the King and Prince slowly walked into the dungeons to see their mates.

They got into the dark room to see the sisters asleep on the hard cot.

Rakshit and Shikhar softly carried their mates bridal style into their bedrooms respectively.

"Drishti?" Rakshit softly cooed and ruffled her hair trying to wake her up.

Drishti slowly opened her eyes to see Rakshit looking at her with belongingness in his eyes.

She lowered her head to find a small pillow. She took it and smashed it in her mate's face.

"Get away!" Drishti said.

"Mates usually give kisses after waking up but I am getting a hit!" Rakshit pouted.

"As if!"

Rakshit walked out to his balcony in fake sorrow.

Drishti slowly walked behind him and wrapped her arms around is torso slowly and hugged him tight.

"Thankyou for bring here." Rakshit said while gazing at the moon.

"I would have always been by my side like you would." Drishti said.

Both of them slipped into a deep and sweet slumber together.

Divya woke up as soon as Shikhar lay her down on bed.

"You came fast!" Divya mocked.

"Sorry baby! I wanted to come early but the other dragons were on duty." Shikhar apologised.

"What should I do to seek your forgiveness?"

"Be a murga!"

"What?" Shikhar scream't in shock.

"Be a murga!"

"You say it like it's so simple."

"It should be easy for a big bad Prince like you."

"Exactly! I am a Prince and this makes it difficult."

"Why? I thought you were strong!"

"I am but I have never been made to be a murga!"

"There is a first time for everything!"

"Not in front if my mate."

"Fine, don't talk to me."

"Hey! Please, I will do it."

Shikhar sat down and formed a murga. Divya laughed out loud on seeing it.

"How long?" Shikhar asked while holding his position.

"For an hour!"


"Just kidding! Come back now." Divya laughed.

"Thank God!" Shikhar stretched out after getting up.

"You! Wait there!" Shikhar chased Divya around the bed in the room.

The laughed out loud and finally collapsed on the bed.


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