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"You come here to ask the truth about the unknown!" A lady was sitting cross legged on a crimson red cloud.

The lady looked calm and had long hair bright red in colour.

"Please aid us, oh great one!" Drishti began and bowed down followed by everyone.

"The truth you assume is the reality." She said.

"Could you please elaborate?" Shikhar asked and was elbowed by Divya in return.

"Please forgive his lack of knowledge." Divya said.

"True mates! You support him very well." The good witch said.

"Please would you guide us?" Rakshit asked.

"Dragon King, rest up for Drishti is your true mate and she or her clan means no harm."

"Who is against us, oh known one?" Drishti asked.

"I like your simplicity and humble nature inspite of being the greatest alpha of the strongest pack." She smiled at Drishti.

"Please guide us." Romi asked.

"What I can give you is that your clans were never against eachother. It is a third party who wants the top powerful clans to fight against eachother." She said.

"But why?" Shikhar asked.

"They might want us to fight and lose our resources. The winner will lose all their valuables too since the power of the clans are the same." Drishti started.

"They can then fight the winner easily and regain that position." Rakshit completed.

"It is nothing but cheap play!" Divya said.

"You have your answers!" The witch spoke.

"But who is the black sheep?" Romi asked.

"That you will have to find yourselves."

"How can we do that?" Shikhar asked.

"I can't tell much but remember my words, their aim is to make the two clans clash." The witch said before disappearing into thin air.

The 5 of them were reported back to their room.

"Our plan should be executed!" Drishti said.

"It won't be easy." Rakshit said.

"We have no other option!"

"Will you be okay to do that?" Rakshit was concerned.

"I am an alpha! It will be the least easy for me but I can handle it."

The couples were in deep agony.

"I trust the 2 if you with my sisters." Romi said and walked away from the room to collect other equipments.

"I am sorry! Are you sure that you are okay with it?" Shikhar asked.

"Yes Shikhar! Please stop asking." Divya said.

"I can't do that, Divya! I love you. Please tell me what you are feeling!"

"I feel like slapping some sense into that stone head of yours."

"Ouch! That hurt." Shikhar faked pain.

"Want me to make it real?"

"Never baby!"

"Don't baby me!"

"Never gonna happen!

"You really want my slap!"

"I want your hug!"

"Shikhar!" Divya screamed.

"Divya!" Shikhar mocked her.

"Darling?" Rakshit was walking behind Drishti.

"What is it?" Drishti faked annoyance.

"Talk to me, sweetheart!"

"I might get diabetes!"


"Your words drip of sugar!"

"Only for you, love!"

"Do you have amnesia by any chance?"

"No baby, why?"

"Decide on one word to call me. You have been calling me different names."

"I can't decide which one to use for you since you are definitely sweeter than all those."

"You are too much of a sweet talker."

"That I am big only for you."

"Sweet talkers are not to be trusted!"


"They tend to hide a lot if truth."

"No Doll! I will tell you everything as it is." Rakshit pouted.

"I should think a lot before trusting you!" Drishti teased.

"Please! Please! Please!"

"Ok, ok! Give me peace."

"That I will."

"I doubt that."

"Drishtiiiii!" Rakshit whined and the others laughed.


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