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Rakshit was back to the sea shore the next night. He met the mermaid thrice, yet he didn't know her face. All he knew was her name.

"Drishti!" He whispered softly while thinking about her.

"Lost again?" A soft but familiar voice called out.

"I can never be lost in my kingdom, Drishti!"

"You remember my name?"

"You aren't a normal one, so I would remember yours!"

"I know that I am extraordinary!"

"More like extra-dumb!"

"You are one rude king!"

Rakshit laughed on hearing this. He wanted to see her but he knew the consequences.

The figure sat on a rock and looked over to him. He settled down on the shore with his hand on his knees and gazing at the scenery.

The night sky was in shades of blue and black with a bright full moon. The moonlight shone into the water and the scene was unique.

"Why are you sad?" The soft voice spoke.

"What?" He was taken aback.

"You have a sorrow in your heart."

"I don't!"

"I have told you that I am good at catching lies!"

"How did you know?"

"Your eyes show immense peace when you are here but amidst them is a slow play of loneliness."

"Maybe because I haven't found my mate?"

"Not that!"

"How would you be sure?"

"I know it!"

"Maybe but you won't be able to help anyways."

"You can't be so sure!"

"I bet you can't!"

"Just tell me!"

"I need a Rainwish flower!"

"That's easy!"

"It isn't! Tonight is the last night to get the flower."

"I know that and I know one."

"Where is it?"

"Deep within this ocean!"

"I can't take it!"

"I can help you!"

"But it is only for the worthy!"

"You seem to be worthy!"

"I am not sure myself!"

"I will chant the mantras and tell the flower that I am just a carrier. It will come with me. It shall wither away on placing it on your hand if you are unworthy."

Not listening to Rakshit anymore, Drishti plunged into the water and and swan deep into the ocean. Caressing the ocean bed, she went farther to find a purple glow.

Within a dew minutes a purple flower was found to stand alone outshine its golden sparkles.

She slowly kneels down before it and chanted the mantras softly.

"Oh beloved Rainwish, I am a carrier from a man in need of your grace. Allow me to take you to him and ut shall be your decision later." She spoke with her head bowed and her hand open to accept the flower.

The flower plucked itself out of the gravel in the bed and lay on her hand erupting a purple glow.

On feeling something soft on her hand, Drishti opened her eyes to see the purple beauty.

With an angelic smile, she swam upto the king. On reaching her rock, she walked to him and revealed her beauty in the moonlight.

To say that Rakshit was wonderstruck would simply be an understatement. Her brown her wet and left open with beautiful kohl eyes, she looked like an angel sent by the Gods.

She stood under the moonlight and what struck the king was her scent. Her scent drove him crazy yet calm. He could not have enough of her scent.

"Here is the flower." She extended it to him.

That's it! The dragon within him lept and scream't.

'Mate!' That is the word the dragon repeated over and over again. She was his mate.

"Umm, the flower!" The mermaid was in a hurry to leave after dropping off the flower to him.

"Thankyou." He said taking the flower.

They both gazed at the flower to see if it would wither away. Instead, it glowed even more. This confirmed that the king was worthy.

The golden glow of the flower covered him as well. He kneeled down on the floor and chanted mantras pleading for his wish to cone true.

Then it rained. A peculiar rain which only fell on him but didn't wet him. The drops clearly fell on his head. Not a single drop wet him or his surroundings.

The flower then withered away marking the completion of the process.

"You-" Rakshit couldn't complete his words as the shrill sound of the shell was heard.

"I have to go. May your wish come true!" Saying this the mermaid vanished into the water.

The dragon king smiled and walked to his home with two things on his mind.


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