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The meeting was held with anxious and confused Pack members.

"We have to inform you that the contract was fake." Drishti said and the members broke into murmurs.

"We found out that the curse against the Dragon Prince and the Alpha was not a plan of the Werewolves or dragons. The truth was that a third party was involved." Divya said.

"It was planned by the clan of zombies!" Shikhar said.

"They planned on making the 2 most powerful clans fight against eachother so that they can get to the position." Rakshit said.

"This means only one thing-" Drishti said and paused.

"War!" Members of both the packs spoke in unison.

The preparations if the war started. The preparations went only for a day after which a barge and attack was decided to be done by the combined forces of both the clans.

The fight wasn't much bloody since the zombie clan was an easy catch with lesser number if fighters. Their kingdom was conquered by the 2 most powerful packs.

A pregnant zombie was panicking. Rakshit helped her up and tried to make her way past the crowd. The shameless lady pushed dagger into his stomach and discarded a stuffed pillow from under her top.

On seeing this, Drishti flung to help her mate. She jumped into the air and plunged the sword through her throat.

An injured Rakshit was taken to the palace doctors after clearing of the war.

The anxious waiting of Drishti and the others was over after an hour. Drishti was let into see him.

Rakshit lay on the bed with closed eyes. His eyes fluttered open on feeling his mate's presence.

"You idiot!" She said.

"Nice way to greet your injured mate!"

"You deserve it!"


"You are too innocent for a king!"

"You are being rude now!"

"Why did you have to trust her?"

"I was just being considerate!"

"You were being dumb!"

"You are being a meanie!"

"I don't care as long as you are safe!"


"I don't care who I am as long as you are safe with me." Drishti said while playing with his fingers absent mindedly.

"Then, will you be my wife?"

"What an inexpensive way of proposing!"


"First we need to inform my dad."

"Yes! Eager to make you mine."

"Too cheesy."

"Only for you."


"I love you!"

"I love you too, Rakshit!"

Rakshit and Drishti fell into a deep slumber.

Shikhar and Divya were in their bedroom.

"I love you, baby!" Shikhar said.

"Love you too, Shikhar."

The both of them slept in peace too.


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