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Rakshit and Shikhar's mind was filled with doubts which only increased on being led into a room.

"I will go and get the essentials for signing the contract and to read the peace treaty." Romi said and walked out.

Only the 4 if them remained in the room.

"I thought you were a human." Shikhar began.

"And I thought you were a vampire!" Divya retreated.

"Do you guys know eachother?" Drishti asked.

"Yes di! He is the one who helped me." Divya said.

"She is my mate, Bhaiya!" Shikhar said.

"Your mate, like heck I would be!" Divya said with a stoic expression.

"My mate!" Rakshit whispered while looking at Drishti.

"What?" Both Shikhar and Divya shoured at the same time.

"She is the mermaid!" Rakshit said.

"What the heck is going on? Do you guys know eachother?" Romi kept the supplies on a table and walked towards them.

"I ain't sure about much either." Shikhar said.

"Can we individually explain our parts so that we can cone yo some conclusion?" Rakshit spoke silencing everyone.

"I shall start then!" Drishti said while others nodded for her to continue.

"A few months back, I got a letter when I was training my pack. The letter was delivered to me and it was stated to be from the dragons." Drishti started of.

"Di is known to read all her letters herself and that is what you pretty Dragons took advantage of." Divya cut in.

"We haven't delivered any letter to the Werewolves in more than a year." Shikhar said.

"Please continue, Drishti!" Rakshit said dismissing the arguements.

"The letter had nothing on it. It was a plain paper but dipped in magic. I vividly remember a sap green wave surrounding me and I was reported to the ocean. Only a single voice rung in my head. It said that I was cursed to live as a mermaid who would only be seen by anyone at night." Drishti said.

"The first few days were very bad without her. The palace went haywire. No one knew where she went but no one accused her." Romi said.

"I was very much there throughout the say in the ocean but no one saw me. At night, the creatures slipped into their deep slumber. I tried calling them many times but that is when I realized that I lost my sound as a part of the curse." Drishti continued.

"But I could hear you!" Rakshit said.

"Again, that was something shocking to me but after knowing your identity I was shocked no more." Drishti shot a threatening glare at him.

"What do you mean?" Rakshit asked.

"You are the dragon king and the magic was all yours so it would be easy to adjust the curse for you." She said.

"I didn't do it." Rakshit said.

"Please don't even try lying." Divya said.

"How did you come to me?" Shikhar asked wanting to have the story complete without arguments.

"I had to do something to get Di back to the palace. The only option I had was the Rainwish flower. The flower demands simplicity and naturalism. I had to be on a run away from my guards and Pack." Divya said.

"You were very weak that night." Shikhar said.

"I was hiding away from the guards!"

"Why did you run away that night?"

"The guards found me and requested me to return. I intended to come back to you since I had found out that you were my mate but my thoughts turned 180 degrees after finding out that you were the Dragon Prince." Divya said.

"Is it so bad that I am the Dragon Prince?"

"It would have not been so bad had you all not put my sister in such a curse."

"But that was not us!" Rakshit said while staring at a cold faced Drishti.

"Please tell us your part of the experience so that we can take the necessary steps." Romi said.

"A few months ago, I recieved a token of gratitude addressed to me as parcel from the Werewolves. It was a perfume. The moment I opened it, everything turned black." Shikhar began.

"He was asleep for a week. His face turned pale and his eyes developed a darker shade. His canines grew longer and sharper." Rakshit said.

"I woke up after a week with a an urging thirst for blood. I was seeing red and I would have bit and drank off anyone but the guards and my brother held me down and investigated." Shikhar said.

"After being sure that he was turned into a vampire through a curse, we fed him animal blood. On regaining his consciousness, he wanted to live away in the wood." Rakshit said.

"I was given regular supply if animal blood by Bhaiya and I could have made him get normal food for Divya." Shikhar said reminding Divya of the option he gave her instead of eating berries.

"So was he the man I barely saw who was dressed in black? I think I vividly saw him the day I turned into the hut for help." Divya asked.

"Yes!" Rakshit said.

"But this was not done by the Werewolves." Romi said.

"I think there us a third party who wants the Werewolves and Dragons to fight off eachother." Drishti said.

"The 2 of our packs are the most powerful. Both of us would be left defenseless if a war occurs between us." Rakshit said.

"So the third party wants to rise to rule and power." Divya said.

"So we have to find them!" Shikhar said.

"I know what to do." Drishti said.

"A plan?" Rakshit asked.

"We will first visit the Servant of Moon Goddess. She can confirm our story do that we build can trust in eachother."

"Then we can go to see her now." Shikhar said.

"She is free now." Romi said after ensuring her schedule.

Together the 5 of them walked out of the room into the hilltop of the Crimson Hill.

The crimson clouds filled their path ahead. On reaching the cave, a voice was heard and the door was opened.

"The red of magic and blood. The light of holy truth. Enter but be prepared to know the deadly behind." A deep feminine voice said.

The 5 of them entered unknowing of the harsh truths ahead of them.


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