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Rakshit drove his car into the sea shore and parked it there. He rushed to the place where he met the figure the previous night.

"Hey!" He called out trying to gain the attention of the creature.

On receiving no reply, he called again in his Dragon King's tone. This did perk up many ears.

The king of the sea went forward to greet the dragon king.

"Greetings, my lord! To what joy am I blessed with your wonderful presence?"

"Greetings, Oviole! I am here to find one of your fellow subjects who had a conversation with me the day before."

"Oh, my lord! A conversation with you? Was it a disrespectful one? I apologise on their behalf if so."

"No, the conversation was a good one. I need to find her for I couldn't see her yesterday."

"My lord, please will you tell me the time so that I can help you find the creature?"

"It was at the darkest hour, about midnight!"

"I see my lord, was it a male or female?"

"She had a wonderful voice, very sweet and soothing to the ears!"

"I shall arrive at your palace with all the female creatures as per your instructions sk that you can figure the person out."

"I can wait here! Try to find her immediately. "

"Oh I will, my lord! Grant me some time please."

"Granted! I want to see her."

"Your wish is my command, my lord."

Oviole walked into the water determined to find out the creature.

Rakshit walked into his car and sat there staring at nothing. His ears had her sweet voice ringing in them and his mind rushed through the chain of events last night.

"My lord?" Oviole called him.

"Yes, Oviole?"

"I couldn't find her for you!"


"No one agrees to have seen you or talked to you last night."

"I want to hear them talk to me!"

"Yes, my lord! Arrangements shall began immediately."

A lot of female creatures spoke to him one after the other but none caught his attention like that one sweet voice.

"Greetings, my lord! I am s-" The female creature couldn't finish her sentence as she was cut off by Rakshit.

"Not her!" He dismissed her. This went on until he had no female creatures left.

"My lord, are you sure that the creature was from here?" Oviole asked.

"Do you think I am that forgetful?"

"Sorry, my lord! I didn't mean to offend you!"

"I will be on my way then." Saying that, Rakshit left in his car without waiting for a response.  His mind was on that voice.

He wondered why he was not angry at her disobedience and mocking words. He was not someone to messed with but she seemed to be an exception.


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