Chapter twenty six

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It's been three weeks since the killing of her stalker. Maya felt free knowing that someone isn't stalking her. But it went downhill two weeks ago when she received a message but not a friendly kind. As she listened to music while cleaning the bathroom in their room, her phone dinged. Drying her hands on the towel that hanging up, Maya grasped her phone that's sitting on the counter. 

An unknown number appeared on her screen with one image attached. Opening it adrenaline raced through her as she's scared of what the photo could be. Many thoughts flashed in her mind. Thinking it's a friend of hers who got a new number, someone is sending her a picture and got the wrong number, or a stalker has reappeared.  

Maya's hoping it'll be the first two options. Sweat formed on her hairline as she opened the photo. Screaming she dropped her phone on the ground tears forming once again. Nik came rushing in the room worried painted over his face.

"What happened? Are you okay? Why did you scream?"

Maya picked up her phone and showed Nik the photo. "What the hell?" Nik add stern to his voice. "Maya who's this and why did they send a picture of you in the bathroom wrapped in a towel?" Nik almost shouted. 

"I-I don't know Nik!"

Tears streamed down her face as she held her head, clumping her hair into a tight fist. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub she thought everything through. Daniel came to her door three weeks ago and told her that he died. No more getting stalked. 

Daniel must have lied to her just to make her feel relief. Then again, it's been a few weeks and nothing has happened and the day he said he died, the next day some hikers found the body in the forest. Everything didn't make sense at the moment. 

"We need to call the cops." Maya said as she looked at Nik noticing a hint of panic before he turned to normal to act natural. 

"No, that wouldn't be necessary." Maya saw Nik type something before coming over. 

"You're going to threaten him?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. The police are busy with other and worse situations. Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you."

That was two weeks and she's still receiving those kind of messages now. Nik still doesn't agree with going to the police and she can't get herself to stop thinking about the tiny panic in his eyes. It's like he's hiding something from her. She still hasn't told Nik about before when this happened. 

Sitting in the quietness of the house as Nik is out at work. Deciding to finally get something done Maya texted Mike that she's coming over and it's urgent. Maya ain't telling her mom as she's already freaking out about her knowing about her father who is a killer. 

Just a couple of days ago, they went to get their DNA checked to see if they really are related and the test came back positive. Since then, they have been bonding but still isn't the fond of calling him 'dad' yet, which is okay with Mike. 

Her father replied back giving her the heads up that he'll be waiting on the driveway for her. Maya slipped into her runners grabbing the keys on the out. Slipping into her car, she started the ignition and drove. Maya has never been to his home, or in the cul de sac before. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach. 

Turning down the long road to the cul de sac, She parked her vehicle on the outskirts of the cul de sac. Once she got out Mike stood on the driveway straight ahead. Three houses on each side of it. No one was out, either in town or inside their homes. Mike met her in the middle of the road. 

"Hey, lets go inside and talk inside."

Maya agreed and followed him inside his home. It was a magnificent home. The small living room is the first thing that appears once stepping inside. Maya saw a glimpse of the kitchen and the dining table on the far left. 

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Ice water is fine, thank you."

"Have a seat, I'll be back." 

Mike went into the kitchen to fix the drinks for her and him. He came back with two waters with ice in them. Setting it down on the coffee table, He took a seat across from Maya, facing her on the couch. "So tell me darling, what is so urgent?"

Maya told Mike what happened two weeks ago until now. Telling him about the pictures, showing him the pictures, how she feels like someone is stalking her. How Nik won't let her go to the cops even though she should've before hand. How Nik has been acting, especially with the hint of panic that was in his eyes when she mentioned the cops. "Nik says that if he threatens this person he would stop."

"I'm going to say this now, this guy won't stop. Threatening him won't do anything."

"That's what I told him but he's so stubborn that . . . I don't even know anymore." Maya his her face in her hands. She heard some rustling when the seat next to her dipped down. Mike rubbed her back assuring her that it's going to be okay. "I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you. We all will. I know how much of a friend you mean to Owen. If something did happen to you I'm pretty sure your mother would go ballistic and blame me."

"Thanks Mike."

"Anything for you." 

Mike pulled her in for a hug as tears fell. "I feel threatened."

"I know you do."

Maya parted away smiling knowing she feels comfortable. Mike wiped away the tears from her eyes grabbing the water. She took a long sip before putting the glass back on the table. "How about we go visit Daniel. He's at work but I'm sure we can catch him on his break to ask about this. More like tell."

"Good idea." 

On the drive to Petro Canada, Maya and Mike were silent. All her thoughts were on the photos that she received pictures from this unknown person. Before she knew it, they were there. Parking in the parking spot they got out walking in. Lucky for them daniel was there trading spots with a guy looked to be in his mid forties.

Daniel looks up nodding in our presence, telling him that he'll be back in ten minutes. Dusking under the counter Daniel led them outside to the back of the building. 

"What's going on now?"

"Nothing, just came to stop by to say hi," Mike said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Uh-huh, sure." Daniel chuckled. "No one visits me at work without a reason. What's the matter?" This time Daniel looks at Maya knowing it's on her. Instead of telling Daniel she got out her phone to show the pictures of her. 

His expression immediately changed. "The hell . . . I killed him. How . . . How long has this been going on for?" Daniel now looked up at Maya.

"Two weeks. I told Nik to call the cops . . . But he wouldn't. He declined saying threatening them would go away. I even saw a hint of panic in his eyes."

Daniel passed Maya her phone. "So what's going to happen now?" she asked her voice cracking from the tears that she felt coming. 

"Keeping you safe, that's what we're doing." Mike said. 

"No offence but I have a hunch that Nik is up to something. I hardly know the guy and already got bad vibes from him."

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