Chapter twenty eight

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As Maya had a shower with the heat pouring down her frozen body taking the mint shampoo in her hair. Once rinsing her herself off, she turned off the water letting herself drip off before getting out. Wrapping the towel around her chest and hair making her way into the bedroom. 

Slipping into sweatpants and an old T-shirt for pyjamas. Combing through her knotty hair. Brushing her teeth with the minty toothpaste. After getting ready for the night she made her way downstairs to the living room. Scanning the bookshelf for a book to start on, she picked out the one that caught her eye. 

The Glass Hotel: A novel by Emily St. John Mandel. 

Drawing the book from the shelf, Maya wrapped herself in a blanket since it gets very cold at night, has her wine sat on the table next to her. Opening the book starting on the first page. 

Since it's just her at the home and Nik is at work for the day, it felt quiet. A little too quiet. There's usually some noise around the home like the dishwasher, A.C., or the laundry. something making little noises but tonight it seems extra quiet. Nothing made a sound. Not even a mouse. 

Only quarter way done, since Maya loves to read, something crashes from up above her. Jumping from her seat Maya looked above her to the ceiling listening intently. Nothing abnormal sounds coming. Thinking it's her imagination she kept on reading.

After a bit, she heard vague footsteps upstairs. Resting the book on her lap Maya heard intently for the noises but her none. It kept happening over and over again until she had enough. Placing a bookmark in her book. 

Walking through the dark hallways unarmed. "Hello?" Maya called out. 

Going to the staircase she gazed up into the upstairs noticing the light is on. I swear I turned them off. Walking up she killed the lights swearing she turned them off when she came down. Just as Maya is about to go down hearing footsteps pound on the ground around her. Spinning on her heels looking every way possible. 

Hearing footsteps pounding against the wooden floors as they creaked. Smashing into something Maya turned to her left scanning the dark hallway. Up against the wall searching for the light switch. Just as Maya is about to switch the lights to life, Maya felt something brush against her back. Not something, someone. 

Feeling tears well up in her eyes flicking the switch on. The brightened hallway gave more light than ever. Seeing something move in the corner of her eye. "Okay, come out now." Moving towards the area where the intruder was. 

Thinking better for herself, she ran downstairs jumping at everything she sees. Running into the kitchen snatching the phone off the holder. Pressing the numbers for her father's number. It dialed and rang non stop, getting to his voicemail.

"Mike, help me . . . I-I think someone's in my home! Please call back ASAP!"

Maya finished the call and immediately called the police. 

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?" the dispatcher asked.

"I think someone is in my house. I'm hearing crashing and footsteps in the hallway upstairs. No one else is home except me, I swore I saw a figure running into a room!"

Maya scourged to get the biggest and sharpest knife she has. 

"Okay ma'am, calm down. What's your name?"

"Maya Campbell."

"Okay Maya, what's your address."

Telling the nice women her address. "Okay Maya, the police are on their way. Are you in a hiding place?"

"I'm going right now."

"Please find one quick and don't get caught. Stay quiet and don't hang up," the dispatcher ordered. 


It was silent between the two as the dispatcher told the cops information. Maya hid in the basement for a quite a while. It felt an eternity for the cops to come. 

She heard voices when one called out the 'police.' Telling her they're here, she hung up and dropped the knife from the room she's been hiding in. 

"Miss, this is the police. You can come out from your hiding. We've caught the intruder. Coming out from hiding. Looking around the basement, no one stood there in the main area. Walking back to the room for the safety she needs. Reaching the door, someone wrapped their arm around her waist and one over her mouth. 

Maya tried to wiggle out of their grasp but no use. Feeling a cloth up against her mouth as the chloroform began to kick in. Maya's vision became fuzzy and her whole body felt limp. 

The darkness of her home is the last thing she saw before her whole world became pitch black. 

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