Chapter thirty five

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Maya jolted awake from her sleep when the door is being yanked. She crawled to the corner pulling her knees in tight. She knew someone was trying to break into the room. Why though? Hiding her head in her knees and placing her hands behind her head to hide.

The yanking on the door stopped hearing faint voices. Peeking up from her knees, the door stood still. It didn't take long for someone to scream outside the door. Jumping as she hit the wall making a scrape on her arm. It didn't hurt as bad since she's used to the pain by now. Glancing at the scrape, beads of blood started to peek through her skin.

It was silent throughout the area, no sound coming from outside. The door clicked and swung open. In came Nik pulling something in the room. Moving up a bit to get a better look on what he's dragging.

"Nik . . . what are you dragging?"

"More like who."

"What do you mean who?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He plopped the body down on the ground making a thump. Nik turned around wiping the sweat off of his forehead with his forearm. Maya didn't ask questions when he pulled out handcuffs.

Handcuffing one to the bedpost making sure it's tight enough. Maya watched him carefully still not seeing who's laying on the ground unconscious. Nik went back to the body dragging on the bed. Hoisting the person on the bed into a lying position. Once the person laid on the bed, she recognized immediately.

"Daniel," she whispered.

"You know him?" Daniel asked as he handcuffed his left wrist, tightly.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" she asked mimicking him.

"I was just asking. Plus your little guy here killed my helper. Slit his throat and collarbone."

Maya scrunched up her nose in disgust. NIk glanced at her, saying, "I know right? I'm surprised he has the guts to do that."

"He killed another guy in the forest a month ago."

"Yeah, that was my guy trying to steal from you."

Maya gave him a questioning look. "Yeah, I sent him to break into the home when I'm not there, steal something precious, like the ring and the blanket. He's the one who sent you the rose, the envelopes and the email. Also the pictures, but because your guy here killed him, I had to sent another one out to finish the job. Until he died. So that three week break you've got was me finding a guy to finish the job Alex started."

Shocked that Nik would go to all of this trouble just to get her. Maya didn't ask why, one, he won't tell her why, and second, will tell her to shut up.

Gazing at Daniel observing him. His lips were slightly ajar, his eyes were closed shut. His hood is halfway off his head showing his brown, soft hair with the tips curling a bit. Blood stained his face from the guy's blood.

"Maya, you can observe all you want, but not while I'm in the room."

Nik pulled her from her trance from Daniel. She mumbled a sorry flickering her eyes back up. Since the bed is a queen size bed, it fits two people, and enough room to lay on one another, even with handcuffs on. Nik left the room without another word leaving her in the silent room. Dust lingered around them as she swatted it away from them.

Until Daniel gets up, she watches over him making sure nothing happens at all cost. Even if it's dirt lingering it's way. It felt good having another person with her, including someone she knows. Smiling to herself as she watched him, creepy, but he's peaceful sleeping.

Ten minutes have gone by as Maya laid beside him. As she's ready to close her eyes but the stirring beside her kept her awake. Sitting up, she glanced at Daniel as he stirs around the sheets, scrunching his eyes as the light shone through his eye lids.

Slowly waking up, he scanned the room sitting up. Scanning the new scenery, she said his name. Daniel jumped out of shocked as he didn't know someone else was there with him.


She smiled going into hug him. "Maya, your alive!"

"I am!"

They hugged an awkward hug since their hands is handcuffed. Parting, Daniel gazed at her.


"Maya . . . Your nose. What happened?"


"He did this to you?"

Maya nodded, then showed her other marks. He gasped covering his mouth. He tugged at his handcuffed wrist. He kept tugging at it hoping it would release. It didn't budge.

He sighed glancing back at her. He shook his head resting his head in the back board. He lifted his arm wrapping it around her pulling as close she could get to him.

He slid over to her so she could lay her head on his shoulder.

"I told the two guys that I found the passageway, so hopefully they come and get us."


She closed her eyes knowing he's close to her. He stroke her side to secure her that nothing will happen.

All the while they are trapped, Daniel tried to unlock the lock with the tip of the knife. It accidentally slipped form his grip and landed on the floor, the metal sound echoing through the room.

He swore under his breath. Maya almost fell asleep on him. Her eyes were falling heavy. She didn't interrupt him as he tried to get them out of here.

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