Armed, Locked, and Loaded

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The video above is the "HOME SOON | meme [Dream Team and BadBoyHalo / The Four Muffinteers]" by __shiroh on YouTube. She created the art and animation in this video!

Please tell me if their are spelling errors or if something doesn't make since. I will review it / update it as soon as possible!

Word Count: 5798


"HE'S CRAFTING!" Sapnap's called out, his voice cracking.

Dream found himself with a gap of time to convert the rest of his logs into wooden planks, hoping that they would come in use for later.

"Don't let him craft!" Bad reminded them. The headset all five of wore was buzzing from all the noises sent in and out of it.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Sapnap urged, pulling together more speed when trying to reach Dream.

Right as Sapnap caught up, Y/N shrieked. The boys could hear her shudder and later hear a thump caused by her falling backwards.

"What is it?" Dream demanded, concerned. He cut Sapnap and George off with a slide, and started running back in the direction of his teammate. He urgently took in his position, soaking in the world around him, looking for anything useful to defeat the duo. Y/N wasn't answering.

About a minute later, Y/N responded, to his relief, "What's your position, Dream? I have something for you."

The corner of his mouth turned up. Dream could only guess one thing that the girl would have. Swords.

"You see where the sun is in the sky?" Dream questioned, looking towards the heavens himself.

"Uh yeah?" Y/N uttered.

"Head north east, there will be a grassland beyond the forest that way. I'll throw these noobs of me and then we can meet up" Dream announced a chorus of annoyed protests following.

Y/N nodded even though Dream couldn't see her. She looked to the sky, shielding her eyes while finding where the sun was. "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west" she mumbled, using the common phrase to remember her directions. Currently the sun sat somewhere around 3 o'clock meaning it would turn dark in a few hours. Northeast was the opposites direction of the sun and a little to the right. She sucked in a breath of air before dashing off in that direction, it becoming her new north.

Dream weaved through an oak forest, occasionally coming back into the grassland to see if the e/c eyed girl had caught up before dodging another leap at him from George.

"DREAM! I'm here- HEY! BAD GET OFF ME!" Y/N shouted.

"NO! Get back hear!" Bad ordered.

Dream's head perked up, trying to look for the girl. He ran towards the highest hill, mindful of the long chase he had been going through.

"BAD WHERE ARE YOU?" George complained, his hands resting on his knees as he caught his breath again, eyeing Dream whose hair danced with the wind in the distant.

"Almost out of the for- waIT NO! Y/N!" Bad screeched.

"Bad? You good!?" Sapnap asked.

"Y/N JUST PUSHED ME DOWN A HOLE!" Bad stormed, steam practically coming from his ears as he tried to jump out of the cave entrance he fell into.

"Don't regret it either," Y/N seethed until her voice lightened up, "Dream! I see you!"

Dream's head moved around until he saw f/c bouncing towards him, "See you too! I'm headin' down!"

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