Chapter 10: [Stationed]

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Please go check out VSasha90 on twitter if you haven't already, all of her art is the greatest and I love it. She created the fan art above and I know how much most of you simp for our dear Sapnap.

Thank you for answering the questionnaire for those who did.

I tried doing a short chapter this time for two reasons. One: It does not follow the same storyline as the rest of the chapters, thus why the title name is in brackets, you can look out for more of these chapters in the future, and two: I did want to try something shorter and different just for fun.

Let me know if you enjoy and what you think of the mini chapter. Chapters like these will be important for future reference.

Word Count: 1690

The mindless clicking of a keyboard filled the small room, drowning out the low drone of the air conditioning unit. A young woman, probably a year out of college if not still in it, sat on a swivel chair, with legs crossed, staring at the bright computer lighting up the pitch black room, the only other light coming from the moon shining through the window.

The young woman could've turned on the light, brightening up the dull office she was in, which was filled with a wooden desk and bookshelf that held random trinkets, but she worked better in the dark. Besides, the bright computer emitted enough white light for her to see.

The young woman pierced her lips, reaching out to a cup of coffee that was rested on the desk. She leaned back into the cushion of the swivel chair, and sipped the bitter liquid, taking a break from her work. As she downed the drink, her face twisted. The coffee had gone lukewarm.

She set the drink to the side, reminding herself to stop by a microwave to heat up the cup before she checked out for the night.

Turning back to the computer, she squinted her eyes, reading the small black words typed onto Microsoft Word.

Test Subject #20-05:
   Stage 5 - Schizophrenic. Shows all signs of insanity. Psychotic. First subject to complete all tests with promising timing and skills. Repeats phrase "blood for the blood god" often. Can proceed to the Academy.

Test Subject #19-11: 
   Stage 2 - Nebulous. Serum has to be injected to get results needed. Failed 3 of 4 tests. Needs to finish recovery in medical laboratory.

Test Subject #01-6:
   Stage 1 - Lucid. Serum injected is not working, needs stronger doses. Failed 2 of 4 tests. Shows no signs of insanity and strong resistance. Needs to finish recovery in medical laboratory.

Test Subject #07-05:
   Stage 3 - Oscillated. Insanity is triggered by emotions. First to enter testing. Still in testing stage but shows promising signs. Waiting for completion.

Test Subject #19-01:
   Stage 4 - Frenetic. Insanity is aligned with hormones. Shows interest in Test Subject #25-14. Shows promising signs of a psychopathic demise. Still in testing stage. Will proceed to the Academy after tests. Waiting for completion.

Test Subject #02-01:
   Stage 2 - Nebulous. Insanity is triggered by negative emotions. Strong resistance has been seen against insanity. Serum may be needed; light dose. Still in testing stage. Waiting for completion.

Test Subject #04-18:
   Stage 4 - Frenetic. Insanity is triggered by thirst for blood. Completion of all test is promising, has exceeded 3 of 4 so far. Shows interest in Test Subject #25-14. Still in testing stage. Will proceed to the Academy after tests. Waiting for completion. May exceed Stage 4.

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