Their Addi(c)tion

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The picture above was created by @JITANGMIAN on Twitter. Please go check them out, they have a very cool perspective on the way the characters are drawn!

Also thank you very much for 1k followers (even though that was a little while ago)! I never imagined getting this far on Wattpad in the 2 years I've been on here. Thank you to everyone who has made it happen, I'm just astonished by your support and kind hearts. I love all of you very much and I'll prove it to you anytime, anywhere if you ask!

I have never seen a more supportive group of people in the discord before. I literally love you all.

The last thing is sorry for the super duper late update! I tend to have less motivation when I'm feeling down and the last two months I haven't been feeling to well, but finally I've gotten this out to you guys! :D (It's not the way I wanted it to go completely but if I don't put it out now it would probably be another month before this chapter would be posted)

Word Count: 5315

"So we're making strength potions?"


The evergreen shade of the leaves of the towering trees lightened up as Dream retraced his steps, morphing back into the oak surrounding the nether portal. Bodily paint was splattered on the green cuffs of his sleeves that protected his toned arms from the cold. The useless, white mask he wore obtained scratches from low hanging branches.

Dream wasn't one to get worried, but his odds were twisting, so he exempted his pride this one time. Y/N, in terms of British, was bloody abducted by those swine while George, in terms of colorblind, left Dream in a vibrant sea of dark yellow spruce trees, outsmarting the quick-witted boy.

As Dream pushed his way out of the forests, back to the square 3, the lava pool, he decided that it was Y/N who, idiotically, got herself captured, and he could've done little to prevent her stupidity. Maybe he could've prevented her abduction, but his next step was to save her, not think of ways he could've stopped her.

Theoretically, the way she was, was in the opposite direction George lead him from, which would be southeast due to the positioning of the sun. He patrolled the rocky hill around the pool of boiling Kool-Aid with calculating eyes, smirking when he found an indenture in the hill, obviously on the southeast side. He was right, they had gone that way. He was always right.

The burrow lodged into the small mountain was filled with a chest and a crafting table carelessly left behind. The corner of Dream's lip twitched up, boastful and confident.

The blond got on one knee to open the wooden chest. He flicked off the latch, digging through the contents for supplies and clues, frowning when nothing of value was found, just a few pieces of disgusting diorite and scrappy seeds. The only thing of value in the room was the acknowledgement of his intelligence.

He closed the chest rather hardly, coughing as dust sprung into the air. He used the back of his hand to rub nature dust of his dirtying mask, before exiting the burrow and continuing in the direction of the hunters, a vast grass field behind a river of trees. He ran down the hill, leaning back so he wouldn't tumble as the dirt and rock mixture crumbled beneath his feet, rolling down the hill with him.

His attention was caught by the sky as an object dove between the clouds, breaking the sound barrier. His jaw dropped, confused. The object was green, skinny, and blurry in the distance.

Was it a boy? It couldn't have been, right? They couldn't have done that. It was impossible. Jerry gave him and Y/N the powder- or dust, whatever it was- to prevent something like this from happening. On top of that, Dream was positive the powdered substance was in his backpack, safely tucked underneath the food and blocks.

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