Chapter 5: Advancement Unlocked

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Fanart created by vyouus on Deviant Art.

Literally every single piece of fanart created by anyone just makes me want to scream! It's all so good!

Once again, if there are any grammar mistakes/errors please tell me. Some of you people who first read these chapters really know how bad my grammar is and I am half surprised I have people reading this still.

Ps. ya'll are literally all so sweet! I seriously appreciate reading the supportive comments that I have been receiving! It means a lot to me, so thank you all! Love you so much!

Word Count: 7090 (enjoy <3 it's extra long just for y'all lovely people)

The moon stood high and proud in the black abyss shielding the heavens. The air had become crisp and cold; the wind, gentle and light. However, the serene atmosphere was disturbed by the creatures of the night whose moans and growls outweighed the cries of the wolves.

Dream and Y/N stood underneath a large oak tree, the one George had set up camp at. Stationed there was a crafting table and a furnace. Next to them was a large ravine, one Y/N recognized as the place she tricked George into falling down. She nodded in acknowledgment of the achievement heading over to the side of the landmark while Dream pillaged.

The boy's blond hair bounced up and down as he rummaged through the loot that George had left, throwing out things that could not fit in the former endless backpack. Dream recalled the events after his stunning slaughter, how George's abandoned materials had been swallowed up into his seemingly never ending bag. Despite it looking endless, the flow of materials into the miracle bag had stopped at a point and no matter how much weight Dream used to force more materials in his bag it wouldn't budge; thus, Dream realized there actually was a limit on the backpack.

Dream snapped out of the memory when a deep, gravely groans was heard drawing near- zombies. Dream rolled his eyes and stood up to his full, intimidating height, unsheathing his sword and sending slices at the creatures. One zombie's head toppled to the ground with a clean cut, the other zombie gurgled in pain as Dream pushed the stone blade through its lifeless heart.

The two creatures twitched pathetically on the ground. Dream spat at them- good riddance.

Dream turned back to the makeshift camp, nothing in sight except for him, the crafting table, and the furnace. Hopefully the monsters would stay away for the time being, a break was long over due.

Dream stepped towards the furnace, looting the insides. His face gleamed when he saw the recently cooked pork chops on the abandoned stone top, immediately reminding himself to save some for Y/N per promise of collecting her anything but squishy, raw meat. He traded the cooked delicacy for his raw one as well as some coal, heating up the internal stove so that he could craft more meat.

"Hey, Y/N? I have some pork chops for you!" Dream called out.

No answer.

Dream frowned, looking up at his surroundings. Y/N was no where in sight; the girl was gone.

"Y/N?" He called out again.

The boy's insides started churning with the inclining thoughts of worst case scenarios. He felt like he would throw up at any moment even though he knew his chances were prune for him to be sick. His eyes frantically scanned the horizon line, praying that he just missed her figure and she was still safe within his reach.

Unfortunately, not all prayers are answered the way you want them to be.

"No no no no no" Dream muttered, his mouth feeling abnormally dry as he swallowed the lump down his throat.

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