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The video above "I Can't Decide (Dream Team + Badboyhalo)" was created by Toni Tonight on YouTube. This has got to be one of my favorite animatics of Dream so far. I literally am in love with this work and the rest of her works! Like seriously, this girl is TALENTED! She recently did a "It's a Hard Knock Life map" as a 5mil congrats to Dream. It was amazing!

Word Count: 5485

The sun fell asleep, shielded behind lanky emerald trees. The apricot color of the sun peeked through the jungle casting down it's remaining light in spots along the jungle trim. Where the sun was leaving, the orb of night was entering.

Y/N and Dream were tripping over jutted roots and bushes at the edge of an oak forest miles away from the lush jungle. The boy with white, circular sunglasses was gaining ground quickly, his hair dancing in the dusk wind as the duo in front of him weaved i n and out of the oak forest. Two more boys trailed further behind, faces equally cold and determined.

"Dream! That way!" Y/N yelled eyes connecting with the boy's green ones while she pointed her finger at a makeshift pathway cutting through the forest to the rolling hills of another grassland.

Dream looked the direction the girl pointed at and nodded. George could only chase one, so when the two split he made the quick decision to pursue Y/N who ran a while longer on the edge of the forest.

Perched underneath the falling leaves of an oak tree were a group of sheep settling in for the night. Y/N headed straight for them, hoping that she could slip between their bodies while George's larger frame would be blocked.

Loud bleats and baas of protests from the sheep sounded as Y/N gently, but urgently shoved them apart. Just as she thought, George got stuck between the heavy wool worn by the sheep. Once she escaped the sheep, she continued onward, but not without sticking her tongue out at the annoyed boy to taunt him even more.

George let out a frustrated groan as Y/N's hair whipped around her head and bounced away when she ran. He stood, squished in the dirt covered wool trying to move the stubborn animals with no luck. Eventually, he had to take matters into his own hand, thus he lifted up his sword and finished the deed, collecting their mutton.

Bad's high, static voice bled through the headphones, "If we die here guys, it's going to take us forever to get back! So focus on keeping your health up!"

"Got it, Bad! I'm chasing them towards a jungle and we can corner them there!" George playfully rolled his eyes, sighing. He chuckled at Bad's motherly behavior that always seemed to click on when he was with his friends. It was sweet.

"Ok, just don't do anything stupid" Bad grumbled, quiet like a mouse.

"Sapnap how far off are you? We're getting near the jungle, and I need backup soon!" George stated, making sure he had backup per Bad's orders. His eyes bounced with Y/N's running figure.

"Wait!" Sapnap cried out, George's train of thoughts halting, "Don't let them get in the jungle! We could loose them in the jungle!"

Dream waved Y/N down, eyes sparkling with the information Sapnap unintentionally revealed to them. The girl connected herself once again with Dream, returning to how it was supposed to be: the two of them together.

To get to the jungle they had to cross over hundreds of feet of planes. Y/N scanned the area, checking behind her to see how far George was while Dream kept his eyes on the jungle he was pulling her off too.

They had the same mindset: to get away, but two different plans sparked in their heads. Y/N found a ravine in the distance, one deep enough to trap someone.

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