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The fan art above is created by @thederpartist on Twitter! I highly suggest you go check them out if you want to see more of their content! If you notice, George kind of has red eyes, mainly brown though, in the picture which make him all the more lovely! <3

Warning, you'll probably be able to notice that this chapter was mostly made at 2am with music The Phantom Of The Opera playing in the background.

Word Count: 7702

Sapnap wrapped an arm around the h/c-haired girl's neck, not enough to choke her, but to keep her squished into his chest. He used his free arm to pin her hands down, preventing her from moving and squirming. The boy watched his colorblind, brunet friend search for two males in the lava below: a friend and an enemy.

"What" George breathed out softly, shock enlaced in her words as he crouched on the side of the cliff getting a closer look into the lava below him. He glanced back to make sure Sapnap was keeping a strong hold on the girl so she couldn't do the same trick she did with Bad.

"Dream's dead!" Sapnap exclaimed, before freezing, tightening his grip on the smaller girl, "Is he not dead?"

George's eye connected with Sapnap, sharing the same confused look that his companion held. His mud eyes drifted from the boy to Y/N, scowling at the wide grin that infected her face despite the lower hand she had on the situation.

Sapnap frowned, "Why isn't he dead?"

Dream should be dead, it couldn't be possible that he wasn't dead. While Sapnap would say the blond was stupid to spite him, reality begged to differ, and Sapnap knew Dream was smart, making him a hard target to acquire. On that note, no one, especially not Dream, would jump to their demise so carelessly like the boy had.

Eyes flickering, George spoke up, "There's no way they made fire resistance." The short brunet, stood up from his crouched position, striding away from the cliff towards the hostage and her captor. He watched Y/N's facial expression, analyzing it for hints on Dream's whereabouts- if he wasn't dead, which he probably isn't. Right?

Carelessly, Y/N made little effort to keep up an act. A large grin spread across her face, knowledgeable of the advantage Dream was given by escaping, "You guys are so screwed now."

Eyes turning a furious scarlet, George's head snapped towards the girl, eyes narrowing. "Shut up" he spat.

Smiling wider, her eyes getting larger, Y/N began choking on her own laughter while her airway closed due to Sapnap tightening his arm that slung around her neck. Sapnap's patience began wearing thin as his own eyes narrowed as well.

The oynx-haired boy kept the girl in a choke for a few minutes, enjoying the sputtering of her breath and the strawberries that dotted her face, slowly turning into a plum colored the longer she stayed in his hold. Sapnap finally let the girl breath once more, loosening his grip after a while. Large gaps and gasps of breath were intake into her body, but she didn't let her smile slide.

"They made fire resistance," George stated, coming to a conclusion. His shoulder's twisted around him, and George picked a rock up off the ground, yeeting it over the cliff in his anger, letting it bounce across the molten liquid before ultimately sinking in with a sizzle.

A scratchy voice bounced into the black headsets, creating static, "No way!"


Their brunet friend that had died due to a certain girl, reminded the pair in the Nether that he was still present in their dire situation. Of course he had just died, but maybe he had a different approach to the subject. They didn't here the screams of agony come from none other than Bad when two bodies plummeted into the lava. Unless pain didn't exist in Dream's world, they should've heard a noise, any noise, from the blond.

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