Corrupted Fortitude

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Fanart above belongs to the very lovely @Inferni__ who illustrated the scene from Chapter 6: One Man Down right after Dream disappeared and Sapnap came back to "kill" Y/N on the tree. Please go follow them on Wattpad, they are absolutely lovely for doing this favor.

Next week I have a break from school for Thanksgiving so I will use that time to post another chapter so you guys won't have another long wait between chapters!

Also this chapter took longer than expected. Sorry for the wait, it felt like I was getting no where when I started writing it except for the last few days which I really spent a lot of time working on this past midnight. Sleep schedules are wack right now.

I need to stop saying chapters are the "longest chapter yet" because I somehow manage to go over that word count and post something even longer, but I mean, I wanted to make it long to make up for the long waits you guys have to go through and because today I have finally become a 16 year old.

(you guys know how bad my grammar is because I don't edit these chapters, please do tell me if you find any mistakes <3)

Anyways, enjoy!

Word Count: 10799

Lava bubbled in pockets of air contained in the crumbling ground hundreds of feet underneath the boy and girl scouting through the Nether. It popped and sizzled sending toxic oxygen towards the pair who occasionally brought their shirt up to their face to filter out the heavy air. The blond boy took off his mask so he could cough and wipe beads of sweat from his brow, looking ahead with tired eyes, scanning for the fortress foretold to hold the blazes they were after. 

He wanted to see this strange world for itself instead of looking through the lens of his mask, so the mask was lazily clipped onto his belt, easy to reach for quick use.

The heat caused Y/N's eyes to droop, and while the pounding in her head, one that caused a wicked headache, never stopped, the girl continued on, leading the tall boy through the crimson biome. Hiking over rugged spikes and mining down, avoiding overhangs over the boiling, red liquid consuming the Nether grounds, Dream and Y/N made their way ever so closely towards the fortress. One they hope a certain group of boys hadn't found yet.

Speaking of which, Dream stopped often, surveying the area, checking for an onyx haired boy bleached in white, and two brunets, one wearing blue, and the other, a black cloak. Aching tension built up in Dream's scrunched shoulders, the kind that was uncomfortable and made your back hurt. Something was bound to happen, this place pulsed with evil yet they hadn't seen a single horrid thing, other than the crying, white creature. But that was a while ago.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

"This is useless!" Y/N complained, jumping Dream from his thoughts, startling him. His grassy eyes laid on Y/N's figure as she kicked at the maroon rocks, settled on the hard ground as she rambled on, "What does this stupid fortress even look like? How hard can a fortress be to find? This is worthless!"

Dream eyed Y/N curiously, pondering her thoughts before shrugging, "I dunno, at least we've gotten to this place."

"Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious," Y/N sighed, shaking her head, "You're not even helping, you're just following me around like a lost puppy."

Dream raised an eyebrow, "Did you want me to help? It looked like you had it all covered."

"I've been waiting for you to ask that for so long, please do," Y/N whined, kicking another rock which skidded across the ground, rolled the jagged path, engraved in a hill, before finally toppling over the edge of the plateau, plunking into the lava. "I think I've given up."

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