One Man Down

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Fan art created by@Cookite_ on Twitter!

I cannot thank any of you enough for the huge amount of support I have received when making these chapters! I am so grateful for everyone who has read this whether you've commented, voted, or done neither.

Also, I am always sorry for the wait in between chapters. I hope the quality is acceptable compared to the amount of words I write for each chapter because I know it should be a quality over quantity thing but if you can do both that would also be preferred. I really hope this is up to standards as I've spent over 12 hours in the last two days working on this.

This chapter has the most amount of words that I have ever written! I hope you guys enjoy it, and please tell me if I made any grammar mistakes. I don't know if I could do another hour of editing so some parts might be bad.

Much love! Enjoy! <3

Word Count: 8436

When Y/N and Dream crawled onto the surface from the ground, they were met with the orange rays of the sunrise, and the painful hissing of the nightly creatures. The poisonous sun rays began sweeping through the skeletons and zombies, killing whichever was in sight.

The terrain around the two was very steep, small cliffs and hills were in every direction. Dark oak trees littered the surface providing the needed darkness for the monsters underneath to live. Every now and then, sunlight would have the chance to peek through the thick leaves and trunks to create speckles of light on the pairs h/c and golden hair.

Dream eyed the area around him, seeing clusters of monsters in the depth of the forest. He looked up at the looming dark oak trees. The boy scrunched his eyebrows and tugged at Y/N's wrist to capture her attention.

"What do you mean they went out!?" The static noise of Bad pierced through the headphones.

Dream held out his larger, calloused hand towards Y/N, an invitation she accepted. The boy tightened his hold on her softer hand, pulling her towards a steep hill. Once the two were at the top, Dream hopped onto on of the large trees whose roots and trunk were stationed at the bottom of the steep hill. He helped Y/N onto it as well, making sure she wouldn't slip off. She gave Dream a quick smile- a silent thank you- as she felt warm tingles in her hands.

"Oh gosh George, we've been going backward through the tunnel!" Bad complained, letting out his frustrations on to the rock wall next to him with a punch.

When Y/N and Dream's choked laughter further confirmed that the two were gone, George groaned as well. Of course, Y/N and Dream got away. George didn't know what part of their advancements they were doing wrong; it seemed as if every time they got close to completing their goal, the two of them just barely managed to escape.

"We need to get out" George stated, running through the underground tunnel, looking for the exit.

Sapnap chuckled at his misfortune of his friends still stuck underground, "I figured that out a while back. You guys better hurry up." The boy's iconic bandanna fluttered in the wind as he looked down at the compass tracking the headsets Y/N and Dream wore. His iron sword was also unsheathed, fresh blood from zombies still dripping on it.

"They two are not in the tunnel! Their out, they ran! I have my compass out, I'm tracking 'em and I'm chasing after them!" Sapnap explained, zipping through the forest floor. A zombie had appeared from behind the thick trunk of one of the trees causing a startled yelp to come from the boy. Quickly, Sapnap swung his sword, the bloody head toppling off it's already dead owner.

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