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"Lisa. It is good of you to finally join us." I can sense mockery in his voice. The guts of this old geezer to act like this.

Turning around to see who he was pertaining to, I was at awe with the woman infront of me.

The raven haired woman who stood tall about five foot six, plump limps, button shape nose but what captured me was her dark brown orbs. It is like if she looks at you her gaze would pierce through you. She did not mind my father's comment but went to approach the woman who welcomed us and greeted her. As she looked towards our direction, her eyes move as if she was evaluating us. When my eyes met her, I shivered but not out of fear. It was somehow a feeling I could not describe. Our gazes with each other locked and no one was breaking the trance. It was only then when the woman beside her whom I assume is her mother had spoken. "Lisa. Honey, this is Jennie. She is Daniel's daughter. And Jennie this is my only daughter, Lisa."

She took a step forward and lifted her hand for a shake saying "Lisa Manoban." Knowing I should reply and offer her a shake as well I grasp her hand and said "Jennie Kim." When our hands gripped together, I suddenly felt like I was zapped. We both hold our grounds, it was only when Jisoo cleared her throat and signaled with her eyes our hands that we retrieved our hand and stepped back.

"Shall we proceed then? Dinner is about to start." My father asked to which we nodded. We were then escorted to our tables. We were situated on the left side. Our table were mostly of young adults.

As we settled down on our seats, I felt a nudge on my side. Knowing it was Jisoo who did it. I gave her a questioning glance as if to ask if there is a problem. She leaned closer and whispered. "Your dad went all out with this." I merely nodded in agreement. She was right. My father rarely spends on things but looking around the venue one could conclude that it gave off a wonderful vibe especially aesthetics of the place. I just feel that there would be something that would happen as the night progress.

Minutes later, the servers were finally serving us our food. They first serve the appetizer. Being served chips was already a familiar thing to begin with but as I tasted the sauce, I must say it was heaven. For the main course, they served a tenderloin steak with mashed potatoes on the side. As they say, nothing goes wrong with meat.

We were near finishing the main course. However, before dessert would be served, my father went upstage took a mic and began to sing. The melody was familiar. He then approached the woman who welcomed us earlier, Jihyo. He sang the song beautifully and it was then that I realized that it was my parent's themesong.

How could he? I thought. He was such a sick old man who very much uses the song he shared with his late wife to another woman. Is he for real? Is he imagining mom in her? I was having a hard time controlling myself and did the only thing I could think of that is to grip my fist tighter. My aftion went unnoticed by Jisoo as she held my hand and asked, "Are you okay?"

I actually did not have the strength to reply to her but still chose to gravely answer her question, "That is his song with mom." I felt Jisoo froze. But the next thing that had happened made me left the area. He fucking proposed and the woman said yes. After all the years that he had been gone and neglected me, he had the guts to invite me on the night he wanted to propose. Why did he invite me here? He doesn't need my blessing. I am after all only his daughter an abandoned one that is.

"You did not take it well, I bet." I was surprised to see it was Lisa who spoke. I did not even felt her presence if she did not speak. "Huh?" Was the question I could muster.

She did not repeat her previous words but instead said "I guess I would see you more often. Step - sister." And with that she left as I looked at her disappear.

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