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Walking in the school corridors, I was surprise to see the commotion happening.

Above the hallway was a banner that says, 'Prom 2020: Experience an unforgettable night.' "Jennie - yah!" My bestfriend shouted at the top of her lungs as she approached my way. "Too early yo be extra loud don't you think Chu?" She just laughed as she scratch her nape. "I was just excited especially because if that!" She enthusiastically pointed at the banner. "You know we are just freshmen right? Prom is usually for Junior and Senior students only, unless you are invited? Which I doubt it especially Rosie would kill you."

I saw her roll her eyes at my way. "Rosie won't over react that way besides the both of us will be going as her sister, Alice, helped us to secure a spot." I quirk an eyebrow at her way wanting her to hear her explanation further. "Well you see, Alice lost a bet against Rosie and in return Rosie asked her sister to secure us a spot for Prom. So Alice will pretend as my date while her partner will be Rosie's besides the committee are only tough on the entance checklist and once we are inside already we could switch back partners." I just shook my head at how crazy their ideas are. "You guys really are not that excited to go to prom." I sarcastically said.

"Yah! Having prom for only two years is kinda boring besides College Prom are lit than those of the high school prom we had before." I just wave her off. "Well tell me how it goes then. Since you guys would experience it first."

"Oh you will be there too." I looked at her with a shock expression plastered on my face. "What do you mean by that?"

She shook her head before coming closer to me and hanged her arm around my shoulder, "Tsk tsk. You my friend is very late when it comes to the news around school. Rumor has it that you got the attention of hottest man in campus and people around are talking about it since he is planning to ask you anytime this day."

"You and your fake news Chu. I am not that sociable that people would notice my existence here in school." And that earned me a smack in the head. "Yah! What gives?"

"You always think lowly of yourself. And even if you are not sociable it does not mean that your beauty does not capture anyone's attention. Anyways just be ready in case a proposal comes your way." With that being said she winked before leaving me behind as we are not classmates in today's schedule. I just shook my head watching Jisoo go to her class.


"Okay. That will be all for today's lecture. I will see you all next meeting and do not forget your designs or else you won't survive." Those were the last words from Ms. Park for today as she had finally dismissed us. I technically do not have thst big of a problem for the project as I already had my designs ready for submission. That was how bored I was during the summer.

Picking my things up, I was planning on going home immediately and may be sleep once I have arrived. I am easily drowsy these past few days.

However, I was halted in my steps as a man suddenly appeared right in front of me. He had a jet black hair all gelled up in a brush up style. "Hi Jennie." He said flashing his megawatt smile. I must say this guy is hell of attractive. "Uhmm hi." I answered hesitantly. Even if he is good looking, I still do not know him.

He then scratched his nape as if he was nervous of something. "I am Park Chanyeol. A senior under the engineering department. And uhmm... I was wondering if it would be okay for you to be my date for this year's prom?" As he asked that he pulled out a bouquet of roses for his proposal. I was honestly shocked of him asking me out and then it dawned to me about my recent conversation with Jisoo.

This might be the guy she was talking about. I guess it won't hurt to go with him. He seems nice and for all his efforts he would be embarassed if I declined especially now that we had attracted most of the student's attention.

"Sure it would be an honor." And he flashed and thankful smile.

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