25 (M/D)

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3rd Person

Chanyeol advanced his way towards Jennie, closing the gap within them. His aura seemed dark as if he wanted to kill someone.

"You dare defy me and leave!" He stated voice raised at Jennie. And to say the woman's knee buckled out of fear. Chanyeol continued to advance her way as Jennie backed up. Jennie was planning to bolt up the the door to escape as she can't imagine what would happen if she stayed longer but he had immediately locked the door wanting their confrontation to be in private.

"Please Chan, calm down." Jennie begged forcing her voice out despite of the fear that she felt upon seeing the man. "Calm down! You dare say that after leaving me there embarrassed in front of my friends as I could not control my fucking date." He bursted.

Was I supposed to be controlled by him? Is that what made him all angry? Jennie thought baffled at what triggered his date to be mad.

And before Jennie could further react, Chanyeol already has his hand wrapped around the brunette's wrist tightly than intended shaking the woman in his arms violently. And Jennie could only wince upon the contact. "Let me go Chan!" But his mind was too closed up due to his anger. He even tighten his hold. "Do you think I am that dense not to notice that your attention was from me the moment me arrived?!" He asked raising his voice in an octave than the usual.

And because of the voice it somehow caught the attention of some people outside. "You should focus on me only me!" He once again said.

"I am." She squeaked but it further infuriated the guy in front of her. He slapped her harshly out of anger. "You dare lie!" He then wrapped hand tightly around Jennie's neck it would surely leave a mark but not enough to suffocate her. "I'll teach you a lesson as you have been one hell of a slut." He began licking and sucking Jennie's neck while his other hand fumbled on the woman's breast every touch was not gentle but rush and rough.

And Jennie could only scream. "Help! Help!...." But her sounds were immediately muffled as the guy shut her up as he impacted her stomach with a fist making Jennie groan. "That should shut you up." He mumbled continuing with what he was doing.

However, before he could further his motives the door was immediately knocked down. He could not react in an instant as his face connected with a fist knocking him out in the process.

While Jennie slumped down on the floor, crying out of her heart's content. She still could not believe that in one year a similar incident had happened to her twice.

Not even minding the unconcious lad, Lisa immediately turned towards Jennie's direction and immediately held the brunette. Jennie was too much of a mess to push Lisa away she was just thankful that the raven haired had saved her from such incident. "Let's get you out of here."

Lisa instructed the others who were watching the scene to take care of the unconcious body sprawled in the floor as she lifted Jennie in her arms.

She then looked towards Jisoo's way, a flash of concern evident in the brunette's best friend. "I'll take her home. Can you take care of eveything around here?" She asked. "Yes of course. That won't be a problem." And Lisa could only flash her grateful look. "Please update me."

"I will." And with that she exited the venue with her arms around her so called step sister without even bidding a goodbye towards her date.

She was just glad she came on time to knock the bastard out.

She could not believe that the people inside were just listening to the commotion earlier without making a move. After hearing the booming voice near the restroom, Lisa went closer to area to see what happened. At first she thought it was just a couple having their not so private argument in such a public place but once she heard the woman screamed for help she immediately recognized that it was Jennie.

She quickly went to open the door only to find that it was locked. She then asked if anyone had a key but as she saw that no one was responding she was forced to break the door down and she saw the scene unfold before her she did not think twice as she impaled her fist on the guy.

She settled the now unconscious brunette in her car as she drive them home.

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