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As soon as the bell had run, I sighed in relief. Finally! Class for today had finally finished. I was beyond bored with the subjects especially because teachers lack interaction with students. I immediately gathered my things and rushes out of the room but before I could further my steps someone suddenly held me. Looking at the person, I flashed an annoyed smile at her. "Chu! What the hell?!"

She just flashed me an apologetic smile before speaking, "As much as I want the both of us to go home, I just received a text message from my dad to pass a message to you." I flashed her a questioning look as it was quite rare for Jisoo's father, Kim Seokjin, to pass me a message. "We are instructed to go to the mansion as soon as possible or else your father would be disappointed. And we both know what he can do if he is failed by any means." I sighed knowing it was true. Even though my dad had abandoned me, that old prick is very much thicked skin. I remembered one time when I failed a subject he suddenly cut off one of my credit cards without any explanation and I only noticed it because I was shopping for a dress that day. Luckily, I had cash or else it would be one hell of an embarassment.

"Okay. Let's just take my car Chu." Jisoo immediately agreed.

On our way to the mansion, we are embraced with a deafening silence and such occurence is kinda new. Whenever Chu and I are together there isn't a time for silence but it seems that today is a first. Maybe because we are both nervous of the message. My dad is unpredictable after all.

As we neared the mansion, Chu had finally spoke. "This is kinda weird don't you think Jen?" And all I could do was give her a nod. I immediately turned the engine off as I had parked the car and we both got out of the car. As we approached closer, I saw our parents waiting for us. Kim Seokjin with his wife Bae Joohyun and Daniel Kim with Jihyo Manoban.

My father approached us. "It is a surprise that my daughter came willingly today." I cringe at the happiness of his voice. "I hope you do not mind as I did the initiative to bring your things here." He said as he pointed the things carried by the maids. "What the hell?! You broke into my apartment." He then gave off a pointed look on my way. "Manners Jennie. And I did not trespass a place that I paid for." Based on his voice, I knew that I should not agitate him more.

It was then that I noticed him looking behind me. "It is good of you to join us Lisa." Lisa only sent him a nod.

My father then gathered everyone in the dining hall as he had an announcement to make. To say he prepared well for this tonight as the food served were quite delectable. As everyone had settled in their respective seats, my father stood up and held a glass of champagne. He then cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention in the room. "Well, I would like to thank all of you for coming tonight." He then glanced at his fiance and continued. "As you all know, Jihyo and I got engaged yesterday. Also we both have our children from our previous marriages." He said looking at Lisa and I. "And since we are to wed soon. I would like for all of us to live altogether as a family." I almost snorted for his statement. It was then that I noticed Lisa, she stood up abd excused herself. I saw her mother flashed a bothered look while ny dad followed her with a deadly stare. That was when I excused myself and followed her. Jihyo flashed me a grateful smile to which I also returned.

Looking around, I could not seem to see her. I myself was lost of ideas where I could look for her. I decided to look around the garden and there she was gazing at the stars solemnly. I approached her as silently as I could, "I've been looking for you." I opened making her look my way but did not reply. "You know leaving like that would just put ypu on his bad side." I continued.

It was then I noticed her smirk at me. "It was what I was aiming at. Is it working?" I gave her a quizical look. "Your dad. That man is diabolic. I tried warning my mother but she was too blind to accept the truth. Until I eventually gave up in convincing her."

"What do you mean?" I asked curious by her accusations. She leaned closer at me, freezing me in place. "You will see. Sooner, I hope step - sister." And with that she left, leaving me with a lot of thoughts.

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