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𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 14𝚝𝚑, 2020
8:21 𝙿𝙼
57°𝙵, 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎- 𝙻𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚢, 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 100%

Peter thanked the young man who came over to refill his cup of coffee before continuing his work. He had been at the same coffee shop for about an hour now, drinking coffee and watching the rainfall while trying to get his plans done. Karen would handle his playlists whenever one ended or someone would come over to refill his drink. 

She didn't, however, turn it down when someone sat across from him and started closing his computer. Peter looked up only to see Harley Keener, his best friend. His music turned off as Harley started talking. "Thought you could hear anything from anywhere." Peter shook his head with a small smile at the accent the taller man had. It never failed to make Peter feel better.

"Got headphones in. What are you doing here anyway?" Peter closed his laptop to look at the older man, he couldn't stop his smile from growing bigger. Harley reached over to take his cup of coffee, turning his computer to him. 

"I wanted to see you. You haven't visited me in two months and I got worried, so-
I called MJ and found out that she is going on vacation and needed a substitute. Also, I want a pair." He pointed to his ear before looking at the tab Peter was working on. 

Peter watched him fix his dirty blond hair that got wet from the rain, he noticed the black coat that was folded and placed on his chair. But Peter also noticed the tired look on his face and wondered what else could be bothering him.  He looked away when Harley smirked and met his gaze.
"They're just simple discrete headphones that actually stay in your ears. I'm testing these out before putting them on the market." Peter looked back to meet his eyes but the millionaire just went back to looking at the computer. "How long are you staying?" The older closed the laptop and crossed his arms on the table. 

"A couple of weeks, don't worry the company in Tennessee will be fine, my assistant is amazing." Peter chuckled and shook his head. "So what's new?" Harley looked at him worried when the billionaire frowned and looked out the window. "Pete?" 

"Nothing, just Fury wants me to take up a new project." The dirty blond nodded, keeping his gaze on Peter. He noticed the bags that were starting to form under his eyes and how his eyes were red. 

He looked out the window and watched the rain, he then smiled and stood up. "Come on, we're going to take tonight off." Peter looked at him questioningly but stood up as well, putting his things in his backpack and placing a few bills on the table.

He put his hoodie up before opening the door and walking over to Harley's car. "Get in, we'll come back." Peter made sure his vehicle was locked before getting in the passenger side. "When is the last time you actually went out and had fun?" 

The younger scratched his head and shrugged only to get Harley to smile. "I don't know, it's been a while since I went out. Or did anything that wasn't work-related." The older shook his head and started backing out of the parking lot. "I don't know Hars, I still have a lot of work to do." 

"No, no, no, I'm here, and I will not let you back out of this. We are going to have a nice evening and you are getting sleep tonight. By the way, you look like shit." Harley threw him a side glance, chuckling when Peter glared at him. 

"Gee thanks. Where are we going anyway?" Harley shrugged and kept driving. "Can I get a hint?" The older shook his head, glancing at him again with a small smile. "I'm telling MJ that my work wasn't done because of you." Harley laughed and stopped at a red light. 

"She's scary but I think she'll be more glad you had dinner. When is the last time you ate?" Peter shrugged and yawned, leaning against the window and turning a bit to face him. Harley parked the car at a small diner and turned to him after taking off his seatbelt.

"I ate breakfast at ten," Peter mumbled, not looking up to meet the twenty-five-year old's gaze. "I know I should be taking care of myself more but these couple of months have been tough." Harley nodded, reaching over to pull Peter into a hug, letting his rest against his shoulder. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Harley spoke.

"I know, and I'll be here to help you out in the next upcoming ones. Now come on let's go eat." Peter let go and the two got out and jogged to the door, Harley holding the door open for Peter. Once inside they picked a booth by a window, taking in the soft music and dim lights. "We should play in the rain." The genius stopped looking at the menu to laugh at his friend.

"Remember when I let you take Tessa out for a jog and it ended up pouring." Harley grinned at the wide smile that came across Peter's face and nodded. The two looked over to the waitress who came by and greeted them before taking their order. "How have you been anyway?" 

"Eh, busy, kinda miss hanging around here." Peter sighed and nodded, he missed Harley being around more often too but they each had jobs to do. "Have you ever thought of taking a small vacation?" The young billionaire shook his head, smiling a bit when Harley rolled his eyes. "Come on, we could get away for a couple of weeks, enjoy the beach or something." 

"I don't know, maybe sometime in July, but I think I'll be busy this month." Harley pouted a bit but quickly fixed himself up when the food arrived. "Also I thought you didn't like the beach." The millionaire sighed and shrugged. 

"You like the beach so I thought it would persuade you. Look, Pete, you need a break. All you've done is work since you took over and I'm worried about you." Harley didn't look away even when Peter did. "I'm here for a couple of weeks to help you out and in July you better be ready to fly out to Malibu." 

Peter smiled a bit and nodded before digging into his food. In the end, he ended up finishing Harley's plate as well, not noticing the soft smile from the older man. 

The two then headed to the tower, taking the elevator up to the penthouse. Harley laughed when Tessa had come running over and jumping up on him. "Hey, Tess! Did you miss me?" He baby talked her as Peter took off his hoodie. "Aw did Petey leave you all alone?" The sentence made the younger roll his eyes and playfully glared at him. 

"Seriously?" Harley shrugged off his coat, smiling innocently at his best friend. Peter rubbed his face as Harley looked over at him. "What?" 

"We need to talk." Peter nodded, turning to give him his full attention. "I don't want you to be housing the Avengers, especially not here." Harley sat down across from him, keeping eye contact with Peter.

"What? Why not?" Harley sighed and rubbed his eyes, watching the way Peter avoid his gaze. 

"I don't trust them." Peter furrowed his eyebrows and Harley looked away. "I can't trust them, wherever they go, there are people after them and I don't want you to get involved." Peter sighed and rubbed his eyes with one hand. 

"Harls, I can handle it, you know I can." The taller male shook his head and swallowed before speaking again. "I might not be Spiderman but I still have all of the abilities and more after what SHIELD taught me." The brunette tried to reassure him.

"That doesn't mean you're invincible." Harley snapped. "I don't trust them, and I really don't want you getting involved with them. Fuck what Fury wants he has millions of other people on his list!" Peter looked away from his best friend. 

"What's really bothering you, Harley? If you don't trust them, and you know I don't either, why do you want them to ruin someone else's life?" Harley turned away from him, rubbing the back of his head. "Harley just tell me what's bothering you." 

"I don't want to lose you." Harley murmured, turning to Peter. "You are important to me and to know you'll be here alone with them scares me. I know you are strong and can handle it but Pete." The taller man walked closer, making Peter look up at him. "I can't stand the thought of losing you too." 

The genius hugged Harley, resting against him and closing his eyes. He knew that everything was always safe with Harley, knew that he would never get betrayed or hurt by the older man. He also knew that he couldn't lose him either and the thought made him sick to the stomach, so Harley had a good reason. 

"You won't lose me, I promise."

Peter wished he could make a better promise, one that he might be able to keep.

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