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𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 15𝚝𝚑, 2020
9:22 𝙰𝙼
65°𝙵, 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢, 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 12%

Peter woke up to a soft chuckle and people quietly talking. He blinked and slowly got up, looking around and seeing MJ sitting at the desk near his bed. "Aww look who finally woke up." She cooed, making him cringe before cuddling back into his pillow, only to discover it was Harley. "Never realized you were such a cuddler, Pete." She snickered.

Harley chuckled as Peter gently punched him and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" Peter yawned, kicking away the sheets only to get Tessa to jump up excitedly on the bed. Harley smiled as he watched the pup greet her owner. 

"It's only nine, also dry cleaning is over there. Your car is In the parking lot, went to pick it up earlier from the cafe." MJ pointed to the three suits that hung from the closet door while her boss thanked her. Peter scanned them and immediately decided that he'd wear the blue one for the day. "If you get ready quickly enough I'm sure we can meet Shuri up for brunch." 

Harley gently pushed the younger man to get up. "Come on, I'm starving." Peter huffed out a laugh and grabbed a towel and his choice of suit. "Make it quick!" Harley called out after him. 

Peter came out thirty minutes later to find Harley on his phone, petting Tessa next to him, and no MJ. Harley smiled at him and got up, fixing his blazer. "I'm guessing MJ left?" Harley smirked. 

"What would you do if your girlfriend starts calling?" Peter smiled and clipped Tessa's leash on. "How come you didn't tell me MJ and Shuri were dating?" The younger shrugged and fixed his shoes, grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone. 

"It didn't come up?" Harley glared and Peter just laughed and headed out the door. "I don't know Harls, once you see them together all the time it doesn't feel new." He let himself be pushed into the elevator, keeping a tight grip on Tessa's leash. "So where are we going?" 

Harley shrugged and pushed the elevator button. "Some restaurant downtown said you would know." Peter nodded and played with his keys. "Hey, Pete?" The genius looked over at him. "When is your next meeting?" 

"I believe it's at twelve. Why? Did you want to do something?" Harley shook his head and gently placed a hand on Peters's lower back and led him out of the elevator, saying goodbye to the receptionist as they headed out. "We could always do something when I get back." The billionaire threw the keys to Harley once they split, going over to the passenger side and letting Tessa in first before getting in. 

"Nah, I was just wondering." Harley started the car and looked to his best friend. "So where am I going?" Peter directed them to a nice restaurant downtown and the two immediately spotted their friends in the outside seating area. "Hey" Harley greeted as he sat down.

"It's good to see you two again." Shuri smiled and then looked to Peter who had sat down and let go of Tessa's leash. "Are you prepared for the Avengers?" The shorter man nodded, not missing the way Harley tensed a bit next to him. 

"Yeah, I'm hoping everything goes as planned but you never know with Fury." Peter gently reached over to pet Tessa who was getting attention from Shuri before. The princess nodded and looked up to smile at the waitress who came over. 

Harley and Peter finished ordering and turned to the girls who were feeding each other. "You two are gross." The millionaire commented with a smile. MJ just smirked and ate another bite of her food. 

"Don't worry I'm sure Peter will let you feed him." Harley frowned as Peter sighed and facepalmed, turning a bit red. The two laughed at the businessmen and watched them shuffle uncomfortably. "Did I tell you they were cuddling this morning?" MJ continued to tease them, smiling when Shuri gasped. 

"Really? Aww How cute." Harley groaned softly, hitting his head against the table only to have Peter put his hand there so he wouldn't hurt himself. "Do you have pictures?" MJ took out her phone and showed the photos. 

The pictures were mostly of Peter laying on top of Harley, the two dead asleep, others were of Harley glaring at her while the billionaire slept on. "If Harley didn't let you in, who did?" Peter asked, noticing that Harley was asleep in some of the photos. 

"Karen, she's a sweetheart. Harls, over here only woke up when I was searching for your keys to go get your car." MJ put her phone away as the waitress came back with the two men's food. "Anyway we should finish up, we don't want you to be late." 

12:35 𝙿𝙼

64°𝙵, 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢, 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 25%

Peter glanced at Harley, who stood next to him, watching him gaze around at the surrounding building. The taller man had insisted on coming with Peter to meet Fury and heroes and not wanting to be alone, Peter had let him come. Harley was always close to him as if wanting Fury to know Peter wasn't alone. 

The younger said nothing and kept his face expressionless. He checked his watch one more time before speaking. "Director, I have a meeting at one, if the Avengers do not show up by twelve forty they have to meet with my assistant, " 

Fury didn't respond, just nodded his head to a jet flying their way. Peter moved forward, pushing his black-rimmed shade further up his nose while waiting for the jet to land.

Harley stood back, grateful for wearing his glasses so the Avengers wouldn't notice his glare. The first one off was Steve Rogers, followed by James Barnes, and then the rest of the group, Peter seemed completely unfazed at seeing them. Harley could only guess the anger welling up inside Peter. "Rogers meet Peter Stark, Tony's son." Fury spoke up once the Captain got close enough. Steve smiled politely at Peter, shaking the genius's hand. 

"Pleasure to meet you, Captain Rogers." The young man didn't sound delighted, but he also didn't seem to be unhappy. "Please follow me to your floors, we have to keep this brief, I am on a tight schedule and next time please make sure you arrive on time." Peter started walking to the door, nodding at Harley. "This is my business partner Harley Keener, he shall be joining us today." Harley just nodded, holding his hands behind his back. The rest glanced at him but didn't give him too much attention as Peter opened the door and kept walking.

The older man held the door open for all the Avengers, going in last to keep an eye on them. The Avengers were a bit surprised when they saw their floors. "Each bedroom is exactly the same, I will leave you all the pleasure of choosing where you want to stay. Upstairs is the main area. Please keep to your floors, I have employees below and above you, I do not need them distracted. You will all be given an identification card, please do not lose them or damage them, without them you can not enter your rooms or any other part of the tower. You all have level six cards, this allows you access from anything below your floors, but nothing from above it. Any questions?" 

"Is there a training area?" Wanda asked, watching the young Stark closely. Peter raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head. 

"There is a gym on the bottom floor that is open from nine AM to nine PM, there are no training rooms like the ones you had before. There is also a cafeteria that is open from seven AM to ten PM," Peter answered, turning when he heard clicks of high heels. MJ stood behind him with all of the heroes' IDs. "This is my assistant Michelle Jones. Miss. Jones will help you out if you need anything."

MJ started passing out their cards. "As Mr. Stark said before, please do not lose or damage them, if you do, it is fifteen dollars to get a new one. These are Stark Industries issued." Once they all had them she turned back to Peter. "You one o'clock appointment is here Mr. Stark." Peter smiled and nodded. 

"Please feel free to email me with any questions, or you can schedule an appointment. I hope to see you all soon." With that, Peter had turned and started walking to the elevator, Harley close behind. "I really hope I don't see them until next week." He sighed out once the elevator doors closed.

Harley chuckled and wrapped an arm around Peter's neck. "Hopefully. You did good at keeping your calm, I'm proud of you." Peter laughed softly and leaned against his best friend.

"I was more worried about you, thought you were gonna attack one of them." Harley shrugged and smiled down at him, happy they didn't have too much of an issue.

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