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𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 10, 2020

8:21 𝙰𝙼

61°𝙵, 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢, 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 12%

Peter yawned and stretched as he woke up on top of Harley, who was smiling lazily at him. "Morning sunshine." He rumbled, as Peter looked down at him. "Morgan is still asleep and Pepper said she'd pick her up around ten." 

The shorter man curled back up, tucking himself into Harley's arms. "What time is it?" He asked softly, closing his eyes and yawned again. 

"Like eight-thirty." He mumbled back and watched as Peter sighed and got up. "Morgan's gonna be up soon." Harley stood up after him, stretching and groaning as his back cracked. "Hey have we gotten anything from FRIDAY?" 

"Yeah actually, three messages with the word Help, no coordinates though, nothing else that explains them. Friday is also damaged as it went back to being a simple AI." Peter walked to the bathroom, watching as Harley followed. "I think something happened to the system and they were the last messages dad sent out." 

"Makes sense, but wouldn't we have gotten that with the signal she sent out?" Harley raised an eyebrow as he picked up his toothbrush. "Does it have any time or dates of when they were sent?" 

Peter shook his head and finished brushing his teeth. "Nope, just the same messages over and over again. I think he was desperate to get out of there." It hurt Peter to know that his father was scared when he died. "We'll figure it out later." 

The two walked to the kitchen after finishing, Harley watching Peter bent down to grab eggs, smirking. "Stop it." Peter turned to glare at him. "Here." He handed him the eggs and went to get the bacon and sausage. 

Harley just finished making the eggs when Morgan came in, wearing her hello kitty PJ's and rubbing her eyes. "Morning Harley, Morning Petey." She mumbled, hugging Peter's leg. 

"Morning princess." The younger man smiled down at her, watching as she yawned and smiled. She certainly was small for her age, innocent too but he guessed it's because of Pepper homeschooling her.

"How'd you sleep?" Harley picked her up and chuckled as she rested against him. She gave a small thumbs-up, making the two smile fondly at her. "Want breakfast?" 

"Yes, please." Harley set down a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her. "Do I have to go home?" She gave them puppy eyes, pouting slightly. The two looked at each other and then smiled. "I'll be good, I promise." 

"I'll tell your mom you're spending another night with us, want to go shopping, you can help me pick out clothes." She nodded and smiled widely up at Peter. They continued with breakfast, Karen messaging Pepper to let her know. 

9:34 𝙰𝙼 

65°𝙵, 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢, 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗 15%

Harley braided Morgan's hair while Peter finished putting on a stark industry hat. "Do you think we could get ice cream later?" Harley spoke as he finished tying the French braid. 

"Maybe, it depends if Morgan wants to. What do you think?" She smiled and nodded, seemingly happy with the idea. Peter smiled and grabbed Tessa's leash, clipping it on to the pup. 

He smiled as they left, he held Harley's hand as Morgan walked a bit in front of them with Tessa. They said goodbye to the receptionist and headed to the garage, picking out a car Morgan would be most safe in. 

Peter smirked as he put on AC/DC making Morgan groan. The two adults laughed softly and changed it to Disney songs, watching her sing along and laugh. "So this is love mmm" Peter sang softly, looking at Harley, who chuckled and smiled. 

"So this is love." Harley sang back, glancing at Peter, who blushed and smiled. Morgan giggled at the two, watching them sing along and glance at each other. 

"They're so in love Tess," Morgan whispered to the dog next to her, giggling when Tessa nuzzled her. "They are! I swear!" She whispered again and smiled innocently when Peter turned to her. 

"Whatcha telling Tessa about Princess." He asked, smiling as she shrugged and looked out the window. "Fine Tess will just tell me later." 

"Tessa is the best secret keeper. She won't tell you anything." She stuck her tongue out at him, making him chuckle and shake his head. 

"But Tessa loves me, she'll tell me." Morgan shook her head stubbornly, making the other two laugh. "Alright, we're here, remember Morgan you have to stay with me or Harley." She nodded and they all got out of the car. 

They walked into the mall, Peter knowing Tessa would behave around people and no one would say much about it. 

"Candy!" Morgan jumped excitedly, looking up at her older brother. "Can we please get a lollipop?" Peter looked at Harley for help, he was a sucker for the puppy eyes. "Please Petey?" She tugged at his sleeve. 

"How about once we're done shopping, then we can get some candy." Harley reasoned, chuckling at his boyfriend. Peter smiled at him, thankful for the solution. 

Morgan giggled as she held both of their hands, swinging them and smiling up at the two adults. "Tessa should get a new collar," Peter spoke up as they walked into a store. 

"Pink!" Morgan suggested. "She'll look pretty." Peter chuckled at her and smiled as Tessa perked up and looked at them. "See she thinks so too!" 

They entered a store, Peter grabbing a couple of shirts and sweats, even buying Morgan a dress. It wasn't until they were checking out that someone said something. 

"Aww, your daughter is so cute." Peter froze and looked at the Cashier, Harley coughed awkwardly. "You two are cute together as well." She giggled handing them their bag. 

"Thank-thank you." Peter took the bag, blushing and ushering his boyfriend and sister out of the store. Harley laughed and kissed his temple, taking hold of Morgan's hand. 

"Come on let's go have lunch." The three went to the food court, Peter sitting down at the table with Tessa while the other two went to order. As he waited his phone buzzed. He frowned at what he saw. 


→ 𝙳𝚎𝚗𝚢


→ 𝙽𝙾

[ 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩 ]

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